Is it you?

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It's been 6 years since I've woken up in the hospital not knowing who I am. The nice old lady well her name was Allen, she never left my side while I was in hospital. When I got discharged I had no where to go I didn't know who I was and I was pregnant so she took me in until I was able to get on my own two feet. She owned a little café that had it's own little bookstore in it. I must've loved coffee and books in my previous because the smell of both brings me so much joy. Ms. Allen named me Gemma she said there's something about me that reminds her of a precious Jewel. She told me she found me wandering in the road covered in blood she picked me up and drove me straight to the hospital, she never got a name from me before I passed out. She said I look heartbroken and torn. Anyway about 8 months after I gave birth to my sweet angel Zariah, her name came to me in a dream I was able to get my own place. Zariah is the smartest 5 year old I know. She has a heart of gold, she's the reason I find strength to wake up everyday. She's the reason I always have a smile on my face. About 2 years ago I had to take over the café so that Mrs. Allen could take care of her health. She doesn't have any kids and she said since I'm basically her child that it's only right that I run the café.

Zariah: "Mommy, I met a new friend in school today. His name is Micah and he loves reading as much as I do. I told him all about this place and he said he will ask his mommy or daddy if they could bring him here. He is very nice to me. He doesn't make fun of me because I don't have daddy."

Gemma placed her baby girl Zariah on her lap and hugged her tightly. She hates not knowing who Zariah's father is. She wish she could remember her past but she's tried everything absolutely nothing helps. All she gets when trying to remember her past is piercing headaches.

Gemma: "Baby I'm so happy you made a friend. Honey you are loved and amazing with or without a daddy okay. Now would you like to help me bake some brownies little lady?"

Zariah: "Yeeeeah!" Squealing excitedly

We baked a few batches of brownies, our customers absolutely loved our brownies. Ms. Allen always teases me saying I probably brought that recipe from my past life. I constantly feel like there's apart of me missing, like I am incomplete. When I was admitted to the hospital I apparently had a tan line on my ring finger. Was I married? Was I engaged? Surely someone must've loved me enough to look for me. I have this habit of constantly having the urge to figure out who I was previously and I'm unsuccessful all the time.

"Micah!" I heard Zariah scream with excitement. "Mommy look, look it's him! He's my friend from school." She said jumping happily. "Hello Micah it's nice to meet you. Is your mom or dad with you" I gently asked him. "Good afternoon Zariah's mom my mommy said that she will park her car and then she'll come get me. I'll be okay while I wait for her. She gave me some money though. Can I have a chocolate cupcake and a strawberry milkshake please" Micah said. This little boy looked like he was raised well. He also looked like he came from money. "It's okay Micah you don't have to pay, why don't you and Zariah have a seat and I'll bring you guys a cupcake and a brownie and milkshakes. Okay" I told them. The both shook their heads before Zariah showed him where she loves sitting. I watched my daughter laugh and play with this sweet little boy, she looked so happy. For the longest time it's just been she, Ms. Allen and I. I haven't made friends because I don't know who I am. How can allow people close to me if I can't even establish what I like and what I don't like. It's been over an hour and Micah's mom still hasn't pitched up. The café closes in about another hour so I'm rather getting very worried.

"Micah baby do you perhaps know your mommy or daddy's number" I asked him.   He gave me his father's number and I called it. "Zachary Taylor here how many I help you?" The voice of this man made my heart skip a beat.

Gemma: "I'm Gemma Adams and your son Micah is at my café it's called Limnos, he said his mom dropped him and went to go park the car but it's been more than an hour and also café closes in about an hour. Could you come pick him up please. I would drop him but I don't own a car."

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