Tell me what you want

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Last night was "WOW", it was everything I imagined it could be. I laid in bed reminiscing about Zac's touch and how his hands so easily explored my body, his lips mapping its way to my hidden treasures. The way this man so gently inserted himself into me making sure I was okay every step of the way. It was truly everything I wish my first time would be like. I take a deep breath and decided I had to return to my own room so I crawled out of bed making sure that I didn't wake him up. Even in his sleep my husband is hot as fuck. I collected my clothes and went to my room. "Oh fuck Fatima, you just blurred the fucking lines" I scolded at myself in the mirror. I did my morning routine while trying to decide how I will approach this entire situation. I know I have to speak to Zac and I know he doesn't love me so this was defiantly a 1 night thing. I can't get emotionally invested in this shit. However we could be friends with benefits, fuck that this man is my damn husband I can have sex with whenever i want to right?

Zac's POV

I woke up to an empty bed, Fatima must've left. I'm kinda happy she did cause I feel hella confused right now but at the same time I wish she would've stayed and laid in my arms. Her being in my arms somehow feels right. Last night was amazing, it was an amazing mistake. A mistake I would make over and over again. I would love for it to happen again. God how do I approach this situation? I can't ghost her I made her a promise to always be present after I talk and my word is my honor. "God please allow me to move the right way when it comes to Fatima" I said loudly. Lemme just call my best friend Jacobi maybe he will talk some sense into me.

Jacobi: "What up Z-money"

Zac: "Sup Nigga, Fatima and I had sex last night"

Jacobi: "Oh you just jumping right to it with no how you doing bro. Also WHAT THE FUCK BRO. I told you not to cross the line with that girl especially if you're not gonna commit to her. She's not these random bitches we be fucking. She's wifey material and even if she's your wife she deserves for you to be fully committed to her and not this half ass marriage your fathers arranged. Andi told me Ti saved herself for marriage, your ass just deflowered her just to leave her in a few months. What the fuck is wrong with you bro? You're pissing me off and ruining my morning"

Zac: "FUCK! I fucked up I never should've crossed this line with her."

Jacobi: "Figure this shit out and get the fuck off my phone. Fatima is probably the best thing that's happened to you and your ass is gonna let that slip away for a bitch that has been ran through by most of these high society niggas. You know she'll only take you for your money. Fatima is not like that. Something is wrong with your fucking head."

Zac: " I hear you, look I'mma go cause your ass is starting to sound like my old man's"

I got out of bed, sighed deeply, had a quick shower to ease my mind, did my morning routine  and went to have breakfast with my wife. As I enter the kitchen I see her standing there with her cup of coffee and a smile on her face like she does every other morning. She's a vision, God truly took his time when he made her cause damn... My mind wonders to last night and her perfect body. Her smile alone makes my world seem safe and secure.

Fatima: "What are you staring at sir?"

Zac: "Is staring at my wife a crime?"

Fatima: "It's giving pervert energy" she was chuckling

Zac: "Well shit, you loved this pervert last night though." Zac was smiling

Fatima: "Sure did" slightly biting her bottom lip

Zac: "Stop biting your lip before I bite it for you"

Fatima: "Don't tempt me with a good time dear husband"

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