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"Mr. Taylor your wife is on her way up to see you" Natasha, Zac's assistant said

Zac's POV

I can't believe my father roped me into this shit man. I told him I prefer marrying Karen but according to him she wasn't Taylor wifey material, she kinda has a reputation since high school. My father thinks the perfect wife for me would be Fatima, she has this sweet and innocent reputation. Everyone loves Fatima. Not gonna lie though she's beautiful but there's just something about the way Karen owns her sexiness that intrigues me. The only way I decided to agree to this marriage is because my father and I made a deal all I have to do is offer up a year of my life, and if after this year I still want to pursue Karen I can get a divorce however if I've fallen in love with Fatima I can decide to stay. 

Hence the reason why I've limited my interactions with Fatima, there's no way I'm allowing myself to get to know her. I have one goal and that goal is GETTING KAREN WILSON. I've been doing a good job at avoiding my wife up until today. There's no way she should even fucking be at my office. We haven't even been seen together yet in public, the only people that knows about our nuptials is our close friends and family.

The door opens and in she stumbles, her scent immediately fills my office it's a dreamy combination of fresh and sweet notes. She smells so good, somehow I find the way she smells extremely calming yet exciting, as I'm about to get lost in her scent I hear her voice faintly.

"Hi we need to talk"

"Fatima what are you doing her?"

"You're my husband are you not? Am I not allowed to see where my husband spends most of his time? Or should I just pretend that I didn't get married just a month ago..." Fatima asked annoyed

Zac stood silently trying to find words to explain why he's been avoiding her.

"Listen, lets just sit down and have an actual conversation it's the least you can do for me Zac. We need to figure out what this is cause I can't spend the rest of my life being a shadow, being alone, feeling like shit, feeling like my husband is rejecting me. The past month has been the worst time of my life, so we either have this conversation and come to some sort of agreement or we dissolute this marriage. And I know that would be bad for our family's businesses. I love my family but I refuse to live like this. Do you have a secret life or family on the side that you don't want me to know about? or are you gay or something? Cause I need a reason to why you're acting like a total asshole. I'm a big girl you can hit me with honesty"

"Fatima it was never my intention to make you feel like shit, disregarded and disrespected. My sincerest apologies for my behavior. I'm open to us having a conversation and I promise to be open and honest if you promise to do the same."

"K I can do that"

"We both know this marriage was a business deal. I also know that we both love our family and would do anything for them. I find you attractive and there's no denying that you're absolutely beautiful, but I've always been inlove with someone else. I'm so sorry"

" I appreciate and respect you honesty Zac" Fatima said sadly

"Look we have to be married for a year and after that we can call it quits. In the meantime I would appreciate it if we could get to know each other as friends. I promise to be more present and actually spend time with you. I'll have breakfast with you daily and even dinner. We can just hangout and chill. Are you cool with that?"

"So basically for the next 11 months you finna be my new bestie? uhmm.. I guess I can do that for my family and then after our first anniversary we get a divorce and go about our lives separately"

"Sounds about right. Are you okay with that?"

"I guess however there's no way that I'll be sitting at home collecting dust like a trophy wife. I wane work, I saw one of your interior designers will be leaving for maternity leave soon. Consider the position filled, I will be shadowing her for the next few weeks. I'm officially your wife and employee. Guess we're carpooling to work together"

"Do I get a say in any of this" Zac asked all sassy

"Absolutely not Mr. Taylor" Fatima said with a smile

"You smell amazing btw"

"Thanks sir, you wane introduce me to my colleagues Mr. Taylor"

"Sure after you Mrs. Taylor"

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