we're getting effed up...

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After all the introductions I left the office and decided to call my sister because like Andi said my good sis was offish today. "Pookie, you busy right now or is it okay to talk?" "Hey sissy what's up, you good?" "Just wanted to check in on you, you were quiet at brunch today, wane talk about whatever you've got on your mind?" "I just have a lot on my mind and I'm still adjusting to you not being at home 24/7, you know need to get use to all that so I'm sorry that my mood was offish" Karen said sincerely. "it's okay if you need anything call me even if it's just to talk. I'm always here".

Traffic in Atlanta is a real bitch, while driving the conversation I had with Zac was replaying in my mind. I can't believe I just agreed to be friends with this man. "God please don't let me get hurt, please guide me Lord, guard my heart, allow me to be objective, allow me to be understanding. And God even though this marriage is not real guide me to be a good wife...." Andi calling interrupted my talk with God. 

Andi: "Ti how did it go, do you need me to pull up?"

Fatima: "Narh, everything is okay Zac and I had the conversation. We decided that we'll be friends. Andi He's in love with somebody else and I have to respect his feelings girl. There's nothing I can do about it at this point. It hurts like crazy but I'll be okay, I'll survive, I believe somewhere out there my Mr. forever is waiting on me. So I have 11 months to ride out this marriage after that I get my life back and Zac gets what he wants, he gets to love whomever has his attention but until then we get to be friends. Until then the two of us will get to know one another".

Andi: "Shiiiiiiiiid Ti, are you okay with this agreement like how the fuck can you only be friends with the guy you love?"

Fatima: "I mean I have to be okay so I'm pushing my feeling aside and I'm reminding myself that I'm doing this for my family. They better not ask me to do any shit like this again though"

Andi: "You know damn well you could never say no to your dad, princess"

Fatima: "Narh, after this shit my daddy better ask Karen for whatever they want cause I'm done"

Andi: "Speaking of Karen, what's up with her?"

Fatima: " She's okay, she's just adjusting. Listen I just got home. I love you".

Andi: "Love you more, bye"

I took a long shower, got dressed, grabbed the book I'm currently reading Danielle Steel five days in Paris. Went into the kitchen to make some ginger tea and then went to go and relax in the lounge while reading.

Zac's POV

I lowkey can't wait to get to know Fatima. She's witty, headstrong, funny without even knowing she is and she has this gentleness about her that's unexplainable. I looked at the time and it's getting late, i promised her that I'll be home and have dinner with her. That's a promise I'm keeping. I packed up and rushed home. When I got to the house our housekeeper Ms. Evelyn told me Fatima was in the lounge so that's where i went. She must have dosed off while reading I found her sleeping with the book on her chest. She has booty shorts and a crop top on. "Damn she's so gorgeous" I whispered to myself.

"Honey, I'm home" I said waking her up from her nap.  "mmmh.. you're really home" she said with a slight smile. "Well I did say I would be, I'm a man of my word. I'm gonna go freshen up and then I will be down for dinner okay".  I walked up to my room to take a shower thinking that girl will have to put on more clothes cause she's out here making a nigga feel weak and I'm trying to stay focus on my goal.

2 weeks later

Zac: "Fatima come on we're going to be late"

Fatima: "Okay, Okay. I'm here sir"

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