Safety Net

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For the past five days Zac and I have been in our little bubble, we needed this little vacation to get reacquainted with one another. We've been so focused on the kids and everything else we forgot about us, we forgot that there's more to relationships than amazing sex. So being in Bora Bora has been a dream I loved every second I got to bask in the presence of my man however I'm ready to see my kids. I've been so deep in my thoughts thinking about my family and how blessed I am to be surrounded by so much love, I didn't realize that Zac as woken up.

Zac: Good morning beautiful, I don't think I'm ready to get out of our love bubble yet. Maybe we should extend our vacay.

Fatima: Good morning handsome, I love this love bubble but I'm ready to rejoin society. Plus I miss my babies, I think we should do this get aways at least a few times a year so that we can focus on us without any interruptions.

Zac: I love that idea, weekly date nights and a romantic getaway every two months. Then we need to figure out when we'll do family vacations with the kids too. Mrs. Taylor I'm looking forward to our next romantic getaway, I'm ready to see my princess though missing my little man and mini me.

Fatima: Your princess better not come at me with no attitude, Zac seriously I'mma need you to shut that shit down.

Zac: I got you baby, she just loves her daddy extra hard. You ready to get up and get out of here?

Fatima: Fuck yeah, ready to get to my babies. Let's go shower my love.


Zariah and Micah went downstairs to Andi's kitchen to find Jacobi making breakfast, "Good morning little monsters, y'all excited to see your parents today?" Jacobi asked them. "Good morning Uncle Cobi" They both sang, "I cant wait to hug my mommy and daddy, I missed them so much" Zariah said. "I can't wait to hug mommy T she gives the best hugs. Uncle Cobi can I have chocolate chip pancakes and some fresh fruits cut in heart shapes please oh and some orange juice please. Zar you want the same?" Micah said to Jacobi. "Can I have the same please but instead of orange juice can I have some coffee." Zariah said while scrolling through her ipad. "I'm not giving you coffee you can have juice though." Jacobi told Zariah. "I want coffee please, I promise not to tell my mom or dad. Plus tt Andi always gives me coffee." Zar said in a whiney voice. "Your tt clearly has a death wish baby girl." Jacobi said as Danni, Brian and Andi walks in. "Who has a death wish?" Danni asked. "Andi, she's been giving this girl coffee. I really don't wane be there when Ti fucks her up cause you know she don't play about her kids." Jacobi replied. "RIP Andi" Brian snickered "This shit is not funny Andi seriously I get you're the aunt and it's our job to let them get away with shit but girl it's like you go out of your way to piss off Ti." Danni said shaking her head. "I promised not to tell mommy, so what's the big deal?" Zariah asked the adults. "The big deal is your mommy finding out and then y'all won't be allowed to stay over at our homes anymore. baby your mommy always finds out anything. Plus you can't hold water. Someone just needs to bribe you with a trip to the mall and you will spill all the secrets." Danni told Zariah. Andi couldn't be bothered by any of this, she's an aunty so of cause when her nieces and nephews asks for something she will ensure they get it. Fatima will just have to deal with her aunty methods.

Andi: Y'all excited to see your mom and dad?

Micah: YES!

Zariah: I am, and I'm nervous to see my mommy and daddy. What if they come back and they aren't happy? Does that mean that I won't have a brother or a dad anymore?

Micah: Zar I'll always be your brother and daddy will always be your dad.

Brian: His right sweetheart plus your daddy and mommy love one another so you'll always be a family.

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