Family over everything

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"Baby, she doesn't deserve any of your energy, Karma will bite her in the ass soon" Zac said holding Fatima back from slapping the shit out of Karen. "No Zac I'm sick of her shit!" Fatima said super pissed off trying to escape Zac's hold. "Baby look at me, The transportation for the package is ready. It will be delivered tonight." Zac spoke in code knowing Madam's men were outside to tail Karen back to where Mona was so they could pick both the bitches up. "Yeah baby, lets go home so you can fuck the shit out of me" saying the last past loud enough for Karen to hear before walking away. Madam's men followed Karen to an abandoned house where Mona was waiting for her, they grabbed both the bitches and took them to Madam's warehouse. Madam informed them that package arrived and that everyone should meet at 11 pm.

"Fatima!" Andi yelled coming through the front door, she was ready to fuck up Karen. "Don't be doing all that yelling in my house A" Fatima said coming out down the stairs. "So how we gonna go about this?" Andi asked Fatima completely forgetting that Jacobi was behind her. "Babe you ain't doing shit, you gonna shit your ass here cause I know for a fact how you get. You ain't fucking no one up with my baby in your belly." Jacobi said making Andi yell in frustration. "I know that's right Ti  same goes for you too. If you think I'm gonna let you fight with my baby inside you, you got me fucked up." Zac said to Fatima making her roll her eye. " And if you think I'm not gonna be there to watch that bitch die after everything she's done to me you got me fucked up" Fatima replied. "I know that's  right she ain't staying and neither am I. She fucked with my family and y'all expect me to sit this shit out because I'm pregnant. Don't Make me put a bullet in both you and Zac" Andi said pissed off while taking her gun out of her bag them pregnancy hormones is doing a number on her. Fatima just stood there laughing she was enjoying her cousin's crazy pregnancy antics. "Okay Okay y'all can go but y'all better not act a fool. Got it" Zac said still shocked that Andi pulled a gun on him and her partner. Laughing the girls walked into the kitchen to grab some snacks. "Bro I'm ready for her to drop that baby. I'm scared to sleep at night cause her ass might kill me in my sleep. One minute she's crying because her shoes is black the next she wants to kill me for breathing" Jacobi said looking at Zac to save him, Zac couldn't help but laugh praying Fatima doesn't get that crazy. Since Andi and Jacobi was already there they decided to call Danni and Brian to join them too.

Ms. Evelyn prepared dinner for the three couples so they ate and then made their way outside to sit on the balcony and just to enjoy the fresh air. Fatima grabbed a blanket to throw on her and Zac so she could stroke her man under it. "Fatima I know  damn well you're not gonna sit here in company trying to be nasty. If y'all wanted to go at it don't invite us over. I'm tired of seeing you boobs bouncing and hearing all of that ass clapping" Danni said annoyed. "Okay okay fine I'll behave but baby when we return tonight your ass is mine" Fatima said to Zac. Turning her attention back to Danni and Brian "So how the fuck are you guys in a whole relationship for 6 years and no one found out?" Fatima asked. "Excellent question cause I've been hanging around you two for years and I ain't see shit." Andi interjected. "Andi I love you and girl you're the best family attorney in Atlanta but your ass is slow as fuck" Fatima said as gentle as she could so that Andi's sensitive ass wasn't offended, the statement however made everyone laugh.  "It was nobodies business isn't that right baby?" Brian said giving Danni a kiss. "That's right, plus sneaking around made it fun and exciting. A lot was happening with the accident, then the funeral, then Zac going through his funk, then his stupid ass slept  with Karen and got her pregnant then his stupid ass married the bitch. Andi was going through it as well. So B and I decided to meet one another in different vacation locations so that we could spend time together. Karen's ass didn't step up as a mother so I stepped up and supported Zac while B was trying to get Andi to her normal chirpy self meaning we had to put our relationship aside so that we  could be there for the ones we love. Eventually Andi decided to be there for Zac too as  we raised Micah together giving B and I a bit of time to sneak away every now and then. We never intended to sneak around but by the time everyone was on solid ground the secrecy was our norm already so we kept it on the low. Until Ti got us at the doctor's office and we knew we couldn't hide this bundle of joy either  so eventually we were gonna tell everyone. We did enjoy our bubble though." Danni explained. "Danni I can't thank you enough for being there when my life went to shit. You were there when I had no one even my parents were pissed off that I impregnated Karen and then got married to her. You had my back when I found out Micah wasn't mine and supported my decision to father him like he's my own. And thank you Andi for being you and being there for me. After Fatima passed and I was going through my darkest time you were there trying to lift me up even though you were in a shitty place too. You lost your best friend. I hurt you when I hooked up with Karen and got married to her. I know you felt like I betrayed Ti and you were right. Some how you still found away to forgive me and help raise my son with Danni and I. You and Danni have been the best aunties to my son and now to my daughter too." Zac said super emotionally. "Seriously thank you so much for everything you've been and done to support my man. This family really rides for one another and we're so blessed to be apart of it" Fatima said melting even more into her man's arms. "Shit y'all got a gangster real emotional. On to lighter things though. Danni your ass be going on and on about Zac and I being Nast but you an B be doing the Nasty in my laundry room." Fatima said laughing. "WHAT" Danni and Brian shouted the the same time. "Yeah I walked in on y'all and then I walked out before y'all saw me. Then I told Zac so the two of us knew you guys were together before we saw you at the doctors." Fatima said nonchalantly.

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