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After Zac left I probably spent a good 30 minutes crying my ass off. Then I ate cause the baby was starving and wanted the food daddy brought. Thoughts of Zachary and this entire situation consumed the rest of my work day. As I left my office to go home I bumped into Hayden. "Hey Fatima you look beautiful" he said with a smirk. "Hayden this gonna be my last time telling you this. Leave me the fuck alone. Your obsession with me is weird, I never wanted you. So you're wasting your time and energy asking me whether or not I wane go out with you knowing damn well that I have a husband and kids at home. Shit I'm even carrying one of his kids right now and your lame ass is still trying to holler at me. Leave me the fuck alone before I end you!" I said to him. "I can't believe you are actually out here claiming this man when he had a whole kid with your sister and even married her" He said arrogantly.

"True but even so he is still way better than you'll ever be. Whatever you think we could have in your bird brain will never happen. So don't ever fucking talk to me again" I said before storming out of the firm and to my car.

"Breathe Fatima..." I coached myself. My life was so uncomplicated before Zac. Now it's one fucking thing after the other thing and I'm honestly over it. I made my way home where I found Zac chilling with my babies.

"Mommy" They shouted running towards me.

"Hello princess and baby boy" I said kissing their foreheads.

"Mommy you're not gonna kiss daddy? You haven't seen him all day" Zariah asked. I should have expected that my baby is super observant especially when it comes to her dad.

"Mommy had a long day baby so I'm going to shower real quick then I'll be right down for dinner okay" I said giving her a gentle hug before making me way upstairs. The tension between Zac and I could be cut with a knife, I was trying to make tonight's family time as normal as possible for the kids. I also knew Zac and I would need to have a serious conversation about everything. I made my way downstairs to have dinner with my family, watched little mermaid and then got the kids to bed. After the kids were settled Zac went to his man cave and I tidied up the kitchen that way Mrs. Evelyn our housekeeper won't have much to do. Once I was satisfied with the way everything looked I made my way to Zac's mancave.

Fatima: Hey

Zac: Sup.

Fatima: I wanted to talk to you

Zac: Cool

Fatima: what's with the one word answers?

Zac: Nothing you said you wanted to talk so I'm listening.

Fatima: Yeah okay whatever. (gets up to walk)

Zac: Ti listen please sit down so we can talk cause right now we are clearly not in a good space and the kids can sense it.

Fatima: Okay. Look Zac I love you and there's no doubt in my mind that you are the love of my life, however babe we have so much shit that we need to work through for example you not getting that I felt disrespected when you just kept fucking me while another man was gawking at me. And clearly I felt triggered and I have a shit lot of underlying issues that hasn't been dealt with. You and the kids are my world and I love you I really do so it breaks my heart to even make this decision. We need some space from one another. We jumped back into this marriage way to fast without dealing with any of our issues. I'll move in with my dad for the time being, until I get a place big enough for the kids and I. We can do shared custody, I know it will be an adjustment. For the time being the kids can stay here because I really don't wane uproot them so the two of us can rotate every week. You can stay with the kids this week and on Sunday I will come back and you can go sleep at a hotel or any other property you own. As for our doctor's visits I will send you reminders though it is added to our shared calendar.

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