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(Kylee POV)
"Dad are can you go any faster I'm going to be late meeting Mark, Olivia, and Jade for the movie," I say felling kinda annoyed since my dad instead that him and mom drop me off at the movies on the way to take my little brother to his Tee-ball practice. "Honey I'm am going as fast as I can I can't help that the guy in front of me is going ten miles under the speed limit," he says turning back to look at me. "Well can you go around him," I ask as my phone begins to ring. I take my phone out of my pocket to see that is was Mark calling me. "Ugh dad please hurry Mark is calling me now and the movie starts in like five minutes," I say before answering my phone. I don't really know what happened I put my phone to my ear just as my dad was going around the car in front of us and the next thing I know I hear tires squealing and then a loud crash.

I'm not sure how longs I was out but I wake up to see that I'm hanging upside down and their is blood everywhere. I begin to panic and scream as I look around to see my mom and dad no longer in the car, and my brother was limp in his booster seat. "Mam calm down we are working as fast as we can to get you out," a man in who looked to be a paramedic said to me through the broken window. "My parents," I ask weakly wanting to know where they are. "Mam I can't tell you anything at this moment, but as soon as you are out we will tell you anything you want to know," he says trying to keep me calm.

After what seemed like forever they had the car flipped back over and was pulling us out. I screamed out in pain as the pulled me out and the glass from the broken window cut into my side. As soon as they put me on a gurney I looked over to see my brother on the ground and a paramedic performing CPR on him. I start crying as I try to get up and go to him, but the paramedics kept pushing me back down. "Please let me go to Tyler, I just want to see my brother," I beg of him as I continue struggling to get up off the gurney. "Mam if you do not stop struggling we will have to give you a shot to put you to sleep," he warns me. I refused to listen as I continue to struggle and then he stuck a needle into my arm and I begin to feel myself slip into darkness.

I wake up to the sound of beeping and I begin to look around at the unfamiliar white room. I begin to feel tears slip down my face as the memories of the accident begin to come flooding back. The beeping begin to grow faster and louder as I go into a panic attack. "Kylee I need you to calm down," I here a woman say to me as she gently places her hand on mine. I look up to see that it was Sarah Blake a long time friend of my moms and also my god mother. "Aunt Sarah what are you doing here," I ask her feeling confused as try to calm myself down. "Well Kylee they called me because I was the one listed to call if anything was to happen to your parents," she says sympathetically. "So my parents are dead," I ask her barely able to get it out because the thought of them being gone hurt so much. "Sweet heart I'm sorry but yes they didn't make it neither one of them were wearing their seat belts and they were ejected from the car, which killed them instantly. "What about Tyler," I ask with tears streaming down my face. "He is in a coma and they don't know if he will ever wake up," she says to me as she sits on the bed an pulls me into her arms. "What am I going to do, it's my fault they are dead and Tyler is in a coma if I hadn't been rushing him to get me to the movies then they would all have still been alive, I should be dead too it's not fair that I'm alive and they are dead," I say crying into her chest. "Do you want to go see your brother, and see if talking to him may help him wake up?" she asked me softly trying to show me support. "Yes, will you please go with me," I ask her not wanting to go in alone. "Sure I'm here for whatever you need," she says as she help me up out of the bed and into a wheelchair that was sitting beside my bed. As we enter Tyler's hospital room I was shocked at the sight before me he looked so sick looking with all of the tubes and wires connected to him. "Tyler I need you to wake up buddy, I love you and I don't want to loose you," I beg him as I take his little hand into mine.

Authors Note:
Well it's been awhile since I have wrote so I hope you all will enjoy the new book.
Picture of Kylee on this chapter.

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