6- Denying The Truth (part 2)

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(Kylee POV)
I had been at the part for about thirty minutes now and I had yet to see any of my friends so I decided just to stick close to Drew and his friends. "So Kylee are you going to drink or not," Jason asked me as steps closer to me so I could here him. "No I think I'm good," I tell him not wanting to admit I had never deal before. "Whatever you loss," Jason says before downing another shot. "Drew I'm going to go see if I can find Mark," I say to him before turning to walk back to were the people were dancing in the living room. "Whatever go, I don't care," he yells out angrily before taking another shot with Jason. "Ugh I swear guys can be such jerks," I think to myself. As I make it to the living room I spot one of the boys that Mark usually hangs around at school, so I begin making my way to him to see if maybe he had seen Mark. "Hey have you seen Mark," I ask him curiously. His face when into a worried look as he answered me, "uh uh" he stuttered. "What is it, spit it out," I say to him knowing he was hiding something. "He when upstairs with Jade about fifteen minutes ago," he spits out quickly.

I make my way upstairs and listening at every door until I here noises coming from one of the rooms. I open the door to reveal Mark in bed with Jade. I slam the door closed and as tears formed in my eyes I begin running back down the stairs. "Kylee stop," I here Mark say from behind me but I just ignored him and continued to make my way back to the kitchen were Drew was. Just as I stepped into the kitchen I was grabbed on the arm and roughly turned around to face Mark. "Kylee," he starts but I quickly cut him off. "Mark no, I don't want to here it you had no excuse to cheat on me and with my best friend at that," I say trying to remain strong. "Kylee you can't tell me you haven't done anything with those punks you live with," he says angrily. "No I haven't, I'm not like you I don't cheat on the guys I date," I say to him angrily before yanking my hand out of his and beginning to walk away from him. I had only taken a couple steps when Mark yanked backwards and spun back around to face him, he then begin to kiss me roughly as I fought to get free. "What the heck is going on," I hear Drew say as he comes through the crowd that had formed around Mark and I. "It's not of you business," Mark yells at Drew as he lets go of me while I just hold my head down to scared to look up and expose my tears. "I'm not talking to you," Drew yells at make as he pushes him backwards and then comes to me. "Kylee what's wrong," he says sweetly to me as he lifts my chin so that I am looking into his eyes. "It's ok, I'm ok!" I say wiping my tears away. "Someone here better tell me what the heck is going on or I'm going to start pounding the answers out of you all," he screams causing me to jump from never seeing him this angry before. "Mark sleep with Jade and Kylee walked in and caught them together," they guy I talked to earlier said. "You did what," he yelled walking up to Mark before punching him in the nose causing it to start bleeding. "Don't you ever talk to or put your hand on Kylee ever again or what you just got will be nothing compared to the beating I will give you," Drew tells him before spinning around and taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen.

We get to the kitchen an he picks me up placing me on the counter. "Kylee are you ok," he ask me as he looks my arms over. "I'm fine really, thanks for saving me back there," I say to him while avoiding eye contact scared of what he thinks of me. "Kylee look at me," he says softly. I still keep my eyes fixed on my hands in my lap ignoring his plea. "Please look at me," he begs as he gently lifts my chin with his hand so that I had no choice but to look at him. "You don't have to thank me for saving you, I will always be here for you," he says to me before he leans forward and as his lips get close to mine I could help but close my eyes as his breath begin to mix with mine, my heart begin to speed up as his lips grazed mine. But before his lips could press on to mine we here someone speak, "dude what you did back there punching that Mark guy was amazing." "Jason did you have to come in here now," Drew says with a huff as he runs his hand trough his hair. "Sorry I don't know I was interrupting," he says wiggling his eyes. I jump down off the counter and grab three shots and down them all one after another. The burning from the shots going down was way more then I expected which caused me to start coughing. "Whoa Kylee you need to slow down, you don't need to drink to much since this is your first time," Drew says laughing as he comes up to me as I finish coughing. "I'm fine let's do another one," I say to him as I poor two more and then hand him on of them. We both downed the shots and then I decided I wanted to save so I take his hand and lead him to the living room where everyone is dancing.

(Drew POV)
We had been dancing for a few minutes now and I have to say I'm liking the new Kylee a lot. She is very drunk where as I have just a buzz, which makes watching her let loose and having fun makes me even more attracted to her. I will definitely have to get her out and make her let loose more often. "Drew why did you stop dancing," she ask me with a smile on her face. "Because I was thinking about how much I like you," I tell her honestly. She stopped dancing and stared at me, "I was just enjoying watching you," I tell her laughing. "Oh really I hope you like what you see," she say winking at me. "Oh trust me I do," I say to myself. She starts back dancing and takes my hand making me dance with her.

We arrive home around three in the morning and I was no longer feeling effects of the alcohol since I had not drank much, but Kylee was still a bit tipsy and was giggling a lot. "Shh Kylee your going to wake my mom up then we will both be in a lot of trouble," I tell her trying to quite her down. I walk past my room about to take her to her but she stopped walking. "Kylee we have to get you to your room," I whisper to her. "But I don't want to go to my room, I want to go to yours with you!" she says to me before pulling me towards my room. "Ok but we have to make sure you are back in your room before mom wakes up or she will freak when she catches us in bed together," I say as I follow her to my room. I shut the door behind us as she pulled me to the bed. "Kylee what are you doing," I asked her as she begin to pull her dress over her head. Without a word she came up to me placing her lips on mine and without hesitation I begin to kiss her back. Kissing her was everything I had dreamed about, my heart raced in my chest as our kiss heated up and she pulled me with her until our kiss was severed by her falling into the bed. As she sat on the bed staring at me waiting for me to continue what we had started. "Kylee we can't do this," I say to her as I try to calm myself. "Why don't you want to be with me," she asked with tears forming in her eyes. "Yes very much, but I can't do this without knowing your not doing this because you were hurt tonight and still a little tipsy," I tell her before walking to my drawer and grabbing a tea shirt. "Put your arms up," I tell her and slip the shirt onto her as she obeys. I lean down and place my lips on hers kissing her softly wanting to savor every minute just in case she wakes up tomorrow not remembering or even regretting it. I break the kiss the get into bed and pull her down to me. "Get some sleep," I tell her as I kiss her forehead lightly. I drift off to sleep feeling lucky to have her in my arms, even if it's just for tonight.

Authors Note:
This chapter was a little longer than my other, I hope you enjoyed it.
Picture of what Kylee looked like at the party on this chapter.

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