12- Spring Break

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(Carter POV)
"Mom do I really have to go to dads for spring break, your not making Drew go," I say hating when she makes me go see him. "Drew is grown I can't make him do anything but you have to go because I have to go out of town for a business trip and I'm not leaving you and Kylee here alone," she says not giving in to my complaining. "Well then were is Kylee going to stay," I ask curiously. "She is going with you, your dad said he would love to see her," she said as she finished packing her bag. "Can't she stay somewhere else," I say before I realized I had said it out loud. "No she cannot, you both are going to your dads and that's final," she says sternly telling me that there was no changing her mind and that if I didn't stop arguing with her I was going to get in a lot of trouble.

As I drove Kylee and I to Alabama to my dads house I couldn't help but wonder how she was feeling today, because she looked as if she hadn't sleep in days. "Can we stop I really need something to drink," she says to softly. I didn't say anything since I'm supposed to still be mad at her, but I pulled into the gas nearest gas station. She got out of the car and begin to make her way inside. I walk in after her knowing she probably didn't have any money on her since mom gave me the card to uses if we needed anything. I grab a drink out of the cooler and place it next to hers on the cabinet. "Thanks," she says as I pay for the drinks the she turned and walked back out the door. "So are you going to ignore me for the next two weeks?" She asked me with sadness in her voice. Part of me wanted to give in to her and just talk to her already but I was just so angry that she would tell me she doesn't want to be with me then go run off with a guy she doesn't know who happens to be the one guy in the school I can't stand. After a few minutes of me not responding she just started starring out the window giving up on trying to talk to me for now.

I pull into my dads house and to no surprise he wasn't even home. I get out of the car and make my way inside the house, were I run across a note on the counter in the kitchen. "Got called in for an emergency at work but will be back later, in the meantime you and Kylee get settled in," he said in the note I crumple the paper and throw it in the trash. "What's going on why isn't there anyone here," I here Kylee ask as she comes up behind me. I just ignore her and I begin to walk around her but I felt her hand touch my arm, "please stop ignoring me and just talk to me," she begged with hurt in her voice. "What do you want me to say Kylee," I snap at her. "Tell me why your so mad at me," she says weakly. "You really want to know what's wrong with me, your whats wrong with me!" I yell at her. "First you tell me you don't want to date me, then you run off with the one person in that school I don't like just to rub it in my face, and on top of that my mom make me come here and bring you with me," I say yell in her face. I watch as tears begin to come out of her eyes which made my heart ache to comfort her. After realizing what I said I go to reach out for her but she yanks from me and takes off running upstairs locking herself in the bathroom. Not knowing what to do I pick up the phone and call Drew and wait for him to pick up the phone.
Drew: hello
Me: I messed up big time!
Drew: what did you do?
Me: I yelled at Kylee and pretty much told her she was nothing by a problem for me.
Drew: what the heck did you do that for she is going through enough right now without you being mean to her you idiot.
Me: I know, but how do I fix it.
Drew: apologies and then tell her how you really feel and that she isn't a problem to you.
Me: ok I will give it a try.
After hanging up I begin making my way up stairs to the bathroom where she locked herself in.

(Kylee POV)
I can't believe he hates me so much, I think to myself as I sat with my back up against the bathroom door. I take out my phone and try to call Drew but the phone just goes straight to voicemail. "Drew please call me back I need to talk to someone," I beg over the phone to his voicemail. Since he didn't pick up I decided to call Cason, the phone rang for a couple times before he answered.
Cason: hello
Me: do you have a minute to talk?
Cason: actually I'm kinda in the middle of something can I just call you back later.
Me: yeah sure!
I hang up the phone feeling even more depressed. "No one cares about me, my parents are dead, my brothers in a comma, I have cancer, I should just end all the pain and make everyone happier by killing myself then know one would have to take care of me," I say to myself with tears streaming down my face. I get up from the door and begin rummaging through the cabinets to find anything that would help me get this life over with. I open the medicine cabinet and find a bottle of pain killers so I open them and swallow the few pills that were in there then I see a razor sitting on the counter so I break up on the sink and take the razor blade out of it. Turning the water on in the tub, I the climb in clothes and all. I take the blade and run it across both my wrist then through the blade on the floor. "I'm so sorry Tyler, I love you I just don't want to be here anymore," I cry out to my brother who is standing in the room with me. I don't know who long I had been in here but I could feel myself slipping away, and I couldn't help but smile as the memories of my life flash through my mind. I'm finally going to be with my family again, my mind tells me just before I let the darkness take me over.

Authors Note:
Oh no Kylee's trying to kill herself that's not good, let's hope Carter can get to her before its to late.
Make sure you read the next chapter to see what happens next I will try to have it posted tomorrow.

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