24- Life Is To Short

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(Kylee POV)
"So your saying I'm in remission," I ask Dr. Brown in anticipation. "Yes, but that doesn't mean your immune system is as strong as it use to be so if someone is sick try to stay away from them or wear a mask of you have to be around them," he informs me as he starts filling out my release forms. "That's awesome and I promise to be careful I just can't wait to get out of here," I say in excitement. "Ok why don't you call someone to come get you and I will have everything ready for you to go as soon as they get here. Once the doctor leave I pick up my phone and begin to dial a number and it soon begin to ring "Hello, Kylee is everything ok?" Aunt Sarah says into the phone sounding panicked. "Yeah I'm fine, I was hoping you could come get me from the hospital," I ask her in excitement. "Well I'm stuck at work but I will send on of the boys to come get you," she say sweetly before hanging up the phone.

I had finished packing all of my stuff up and was almost ready to leave the hospital. As I walk into the bathroom I realize my hair was a mess from having the MRI done so I begin to comb through it and then applied some makeup. My heart begi to race as I here a knock on my room door. I quickly threw my makeup and hair brush into my bag and opens the door to reveal Carter. My heart dropped when I realized it was Carter and not Drew at the door. "Hey," I say trying to not show my disappointment. "Mom said to come get you that you were being released, does that mean your in remission?" Carter ask me curiously. "Yes I'm in remission, which means I'm free and clear to live my life normally," I say with relief. "Kylee that's awesome news," he says as he takes me in his arms giving me a hug. "I know it's been a long and bumpy road but I finally made it," I say as I let myself soak in his embrace knowing that it might be the last time I ever feel this close to him. "Let's get going Tyler will be glad your finally home, he has been driving us crazy asking when he can see you again," he tells me as he releases me from the hug and grabs my bags. "I'm excited to see him to I hate that they wouldn't allow him to see me while I was in the hospital, but I guess I understand that they just didn't want me to get his germs that he picks up from daycare," I say shrugging my shoulders. "Yeah but try explaining that to a four year old," he say laughing. We exit the hospital room and being to make our way to the car.

After making it home I realized that Drew wasn't home with made my heart ache. "So has Drew been home lately," I ask Carter trying to make it like it wasn't a big deal. "No he has been staying at dads he only come home about one a week to see mom and then he goes back," he says before walking off to his room. I pick up the phone and decide to call Oliva and see if she is up for a little road trip. "Hello," she says as she picks up the phone. "Livi how would you like to go on a little road trip with me," I ask her jumping to the point. "OMG it's Drew, he is the one you want," she squeals into the phone. "Yes it is," I say happily. "I knew you would pick him, Kylee this is so awesome I will be there to pick you up in like an hour," she says before hanging up the phone.

After Olivia got here we immediately begin to make our way to Uncle Carson's house. "Livi do you think I'm crazy for driving all the way over here, I men what if he changed his mind I haven't seen him in almost a month," I say beginning to panic as we pull into the driveway. "Kylee snap out of it that boy is totally in love with you and I'm telling you he hasn't changed his mind," she says as she snaps her fingers in front of my face. "Ok," I say taking a deep breath. "I'm going to stay in the car while you do talk to him," she says quickly before starting to push me out the car. I slowly begin to make my way up the steps and to the door, I then push the doorbell and with for the door to be answered. After about five minutes the door opens to reveal a very tired looking Drew. "Kylee what are you doing here, should you still be in the hospital," he says as his eyes grow panicked. "Drew it's ok I'm in remission," I say quickly hoping to calm his panic. "That's awesome," he says as he takes me in his arms and spins me around. "Drew I came here to tell you something else," I tell him in a serous tone. "Ok come in dads not home so we have the place to ourselves," he say starting to look nervous. "Well I came to tell you, Drew it's you, your the one I want to spend the rest of my life with," I say nervously as tears begin to form in my eyes. He stood there speechless as if he didn't know what to say to me. "It's ok if you changed your mind I understand," I say quickly as I turn around to hide my tears. A moment later I feel his hand on my shoulder and I was being spun around to face him. "Kylee I haven't changed my mind, I am and will forever be in love with you," he says before crashing his lips down on mine kissing me with som much love and passion that I put my arms around him to keep my knees from giving away. He broke the kiss and wiped the tears from my eyes before asking, "does Carter know?" "No haven't told him yet but I will first thing tomorrow I promise I just didn't want to wait another minute to be with you," I say as I try to hid the blush that was creeping up on my face. "So are you going to ask me again," I ask him referring to the proposal. "Kylee we don't have to rush this," he say trying not to pressure me. "Drew it's ok I want you to," I say with a smile on my face. He takes my hand and leads me to a room I assume was his and pulls out the ring from his dresser. He gets down one one knee with ring in hand ask me," Kylee Morgan's will you marry me and be mine forever?" "Yes," I say happily as my heart begins to feel as if it was leaping for joy. "I was hoping you would say that," he says as he takes me into his arms and claiming my lips with his once more. "Kylee you just made me the happiest man," he say excitedly as he places the ring on my finger.

After taking to Drew, Olivia and I decide to just to spend the night here and we all would all head back to our homes in the morning. "So are you ready to break the news to Carter," Olivia asked as we were waiting on Drew to finish packing. "No but I have to, it's oh fair that I be the one to tell him," I tell her sadly. "Everything going to be ok," she say giving me a quick hug before getting into her car. I climb into Drew's car just as he was coming out of the house. "He will understand," Drew's says as he takes my hand into his once he gets in the car almost as if he could read my mind. "I sure hope so," I say to him as I try to let his touch comfort me.

(Carter POV)
A knock on my room door causing me to jump, because I was in heavy thought about Kylee and how she didn't stay at home last night. "Can we talk," Kylee says as she enters my room. "Yeah sure," I say shrugging my shoulders already having a feeling of what she was about to say. "You chose Drew didn't you," he says with a sadness in his voice as he points to the ring on my finger. "Carter I'm so sorry I love you, you know I do but I'm in love with Drew," I say feeling bad about hurting Carter. "I'm happy for you really," he say with a small smile. "Please tell me we're going to be ok," I beg him to give me the answer I want to here. "It's going to take some time Kylee, but I do believe that one day I can be close friends like we used to be," he tells me as he comes closer to me. "So when did you realize Drew is the one," he ask curiously. "When I opened the hospital door and I seen it as you and not Drew," I say sounding harsh. "I'm sorry I didn't mean it to sound like I wasn't happy to see you," I say trying to apologize. "No Kylee it's ok," he say pulling me in for a quick hug. After the hug he walks out the room leaving me alone with all my thoughts.

Authors Note:
I really hope you guys have enjoyed my book, but unfortunately it must come to an end and there is only one chapter and an epilogue left.
On a good note there will be a second book to this one called Save Us Now, so keep a look out for it.

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