15- Hurt and Regret!

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(Kylee POV)
Olivia and I have been up half the night talking and laughing in my room and I was fixing to tell her about Carter and I. "Live I need to tell you something but you have to promise not to tell anyone," I say to her holding out my pinky. "I promise I want tell anyone," she says as she wraps her pinky around mine. "Well you know me and Carter had been fighting before we came here which I part of why I'd did what I did, but anyways at the hospital he confessed to me that he was in love with me," I blurt out then give her time to respond. "What seriously what did you say to him, I mean you told him you have feelings for his brother right?" She asked me curiously. "No not exactly," I say softly. "Kylee what did you do," she ask in a scolding tone. "Well he asked me to be his girlfriend and I said yes," I say then wait for the scolding I knew was coming. "Kylee Grace Morgan what where you thinking, you can't just lead him on like that when you know you don't love him, I mean you don't love him so you?" She demanded. "No not like that anyway, but he makes me happy and I feel safe with him," I say shrugging my shoulders. "What about Drew, Kylee I know he has feelings for you I just don't think he know how to tell you," she says honestly to me. "I don't know Livi I think it's all just a game to him, because he know we can't actually be together not only would his mom flip but it's illegal and I don't think is mom would have a problem pressing charges on him," I say telling her exactly what I think. "Kylee you know I will support you no matter who you decide to be with, but you need to decide quick before you hurt one or both of them," she says in her scolding voice. "I know, but I'm just not ready to tell anyone other then you about me and Carter," I say in a begging tone hoping she would understand what I'm saying. "I promise not to tell Drew but Kylee you need to soon, because you can't hide it forever," she say kindly. "I will I promise, now let's get some sleep or we are not going to be worth anything tomorrow," I say with laughter trying to lighten the mood. "Ok," she says as she get up and turns out the lights. "Good night Livi," I say into the darkness. "Night," she says before we both let sleep over take us.

I roll over, pick up my phone from the night stand so that I could look at the time. Seeing it was almost seven I decided to get up and head downstairs so I could cook some breakfast. I start sitting out everything I needed to cook eggs, bacon, and toast. Just as I get finished with breakfast I feel someone come up behind me and wrap there arms around my waist. "Good morning beautiful," Carter says into my ears before beginning to place small kisses down my neck. "Carter what are you doing," I say turning around to face him. "What does it took like I'm kissing my girlfriend," he says cockily. "Oh really and I suppose this girlfriend of yours doesn't mind that your kissing on me?" I say with laughter. "I don't know let's see if we can make her jealous," he says as he picks me up and sits me on the counter. "Yeah let's do that," I say trying to act serious. He stands in between my legs and leans in placing his lips on mine softly at first, but then he deepens it causing me to let out a low moan.

(Drew POV)
I wake up to the smell of food being cooked, so I get out of bed and begin making my way downstairs. I was about to enter the kitchen when I here a low moan, so I decide to sneak in to see if I could catch what I assumed to be Carter and Olivia. "You two should get a room," I call out as I step into the kitchen. "What the heck is going on," I yell out angrily when I see that the girl my brother is making out with is not Olivia but Kylee. I grab Carter and punch him as hard as I can in the jaw. I then turn and walk out the kitchen and out the door. "Drew wait please let me explain," Kylee calls out to me. "What is there to explain Kylee the fact that you and my brother of all people are dating behind my back, is that the reason you didn't want to kiss me last night," I yell at her. "Drew it's not like that, it's complicated," she says crying. "There isn't anything complicated about it, you want to be with my brother so go be with him but just know that I want nothing to do with you or him for that matter," I say feeling broken but I hide it behind anger. "I didn't meant to hurt anyone, please don't do this," she begs as tears stream down her face. Part of me wanted to take her in my arms and tell her it's going to be ok and confess to her how I feel, but I knew I could do that because she had made her choice to be with my brother and I wasn't going to come between them. I want her to be happy even if that means being with Carter but I can't stand by and watch them because it hurts to much to watch the girl I love be with someone else, so I get in my car and head to moms house.

(Carters POV)
I stand in the bathroom holding a cold cloth on my face to try and get rid of some of the swelling and pain. "Carter you do know just cold water isn't going to help you have to put ice on it," Olivia says as he comes into the bathroom with a ziplock bag of ice. "You know I just don't get why Drew got so mad at me its not like Kylee belongs to him," I tell Olivia feeling confused. "I think you better ask Kylee that," she says before exiting the bathroom just seconds before Kylee enters. "You need to start explaining to me what the heck just happened," I say to her angrily. "I really don't want to talk about it ok, all you need to know is that I chose you," she says sadly as she fights back tears. "Shh it's ok don't worry about it ok," I say to her as I pull her into a embrace. "I'm sorry I don't mean for this to happen," she says crying into me. "Kylee calm down its not a big deal, see I'm fine," I say holding her out so she is looking at me as I try to calm her down. "Ok," she says taking deep breaths. "I love you and together we can get through anything," I tell her before kissing her softly on the lips. "Now we have all that food in there, let's not let it go to waist," I say to her as I take her hand and lead her to the kitchen.

Authors Note:
Drama, Drama, Drama!
I hope you all have enjoyed this book so far, keep reading because there is more drama to come.
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