19- Jealousy

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(Drew POV)
It's Friday and I currently headed to my moms house even though I really don't want to see Kylee but since I have planned on using Jade this weekend to help me make Kylee jealous I decided it would be a good weekend. I feel my phone begin to vibrate in my back pocket so I pull it out and answer it.
Me: hello
Jade: hey sexy are you still going to pick me up?
Me: yes I'm fixing to pull into your driveway now.
Jade: ok I'll be waiting.
I hang up to phone just as I pull into her driveway and she jumps into my car. "So Drew what all do you have planned for us this weekend," she says as she tries to be sexy. "Well I figure we can go catch a movie and maybe hang around in my pool," I say shrugging me shoulders not really wanting to go much of anywhere with her. "Ok as long as I get to be with you we can do whatever you would like," she say running a finger down my chest.

Wen we finally pull into my house I could be more happy to be able to get out of the car and have some space from Jade. "Are you going to get my bag," she ask as I begin to exit the car. "Yeah I will get it," I say as I grab it from out of the back seat. She places a hand into mine as we being to make our way inside the house. "Drew is that you," I here my mom shout out from her bedroom. "Yes mom it's me," I shout back as I begin to walk down the hall to my room. I open the door to my room to find that my things were gone and was now filled with little boy things. I stomp out of what was my room and head to my moms room.  "What happened to all my stuff?" I ask her in anger. "Well since Tyler is awake and living here and you are hardly ever here I let him have your room and you are going to share a room with Carter," she says before turning back to her desk were she was sitting. "Really mom that is so unfair, I have company and your telling me that I don't even have my own room anymore," I say angrily. "It doesn't matter anyway because a girl isn't staying in your room, she will have to share with Kylee," she tell me not recognizing Jade. "Fine," I say before stomping off back down the hall. "Maybe I should just go back home," Jade says to me as she picks up her bag from the floor. "No your staying her, there is no way I'm letting my mom ruin this," I say to her taking her bag back from her. "Ok if you say so," she say happily before placing a kiss on my cheek.

(Kylee POV)
After having the passing out spell I had Monday, I have been trying to take it easy in hopes of it not happening again, but I have been having other symptoms that I have been hiding from everyone. I am glad the last school bell just got through ringing because I feel exhausted and I don't think I could last another minute sitting in a classroom. "Can I walk you to your car?" Cole ask as he takes my bag from me. "Well I didn't bring my own car, Carter want let me drive since I passed out because he is scared that I might pass out while I'm driving," I say shrugging my shoulders as I begin with to flow him out the class. "Well then at least let me walk you to go find Carter," he says as places his free arm around my neck and leads me towards Carters last class. "Ok," I say knowing he wasn't going to take no for an answer. "Good," he says as we spot Carter in the distance heading my way. "Thanks for walking Kylee to me," Carter says holding his hand out for Cole to shake. "It's no big deal, just want to make sure she is safe," he say as he shakes Carters hand. "You know I'm not a baby right I can take care of myself," I say to them both. "Kylee we are both just worried about you, you scared us half to death Monday and we just don't want you to be alone incase it happens again," Carter says as he pulls me into his arms. "So Cole do you want to come to the house and hangs out?" Carter asked Cole before he could walk away. "Sure," he says shrugging his shoulders. "Cool, I can just come in my car so we don't have to come back to get it later," Cole says as we all begin to make our way out to the parking lot. "Ok, then we will see you at the house," Carter says as we get to the car.

We finally make it to the house and I notice Drew's car is in the driveway which means he decided to come home this weekend. I get out of the car and begin to make my way inside the house and into my room. As I enter my room I almost trip over a duffle bag that was sitting in the middle of my floor. "Aunt Serah who's bag is this in my room floor," I call out to her from the hallway. "Drew brought a girl home with him, but she can't stay in his room so I figured she could just share with you," she says as steps out of her office. "Ok that's fine," I say calmly as my mind begins to wonder at who she could be. "Kylee your home," I hear Tyler say as he comes running out of his room. "Yep," I say as I get down to his level and hug him tight. "I'm going to go take a nap, do you want to come lay in my bed with me?" I ask him since he normally falls asleep in his room shortly after he gets home from school. "Ok," he says as he runs past me and climbs onto my bed. I gently close the door behind me and climb onto the bed with him and it wasn't long until sleep took over the both of us.

I wake up to someone shuffling around my room, and when I raise up that's when I spot her the person I had hoped I would never have to see again. "Jade what are you doing here," I ask angrily as I get up out of my bed and drag her out the door not wanting to wake Tyler. "I'm here with Drew he invited me to spend the weekend with him," she says in a snotty tone. "So your the girl he is dating," I ask as my anger boils. "Yea I sure am, it seems like he needed someone besides you," she says as she gets in my face. "You better back the heck up before I lay you out in the floor," I scream at her as I push her backwards which cased us to start fighting. "Girls what's going on in here?" Aunt Serah ask as her and Carter pull us from each other. "Jade what are you doing here," Carter ask in confusion as he recognizes her. "Wait so you all already know each other?" Aunt Serah asked in her demanding voice. "Yes she the x-best friend slash slut that stole my boyfriend Mark from me," I tell her as I try to control my anger. "So your telling me she is your age," my aunt asked. "Yes," I say just before my aunt yells out for Drew. "You had better get to explaining why you brought a high school girl home with you, and also why you would bring someone who you know doesn't get along with Kylee," my aunt demands for him to answer. "I didn't know mom," he lies as he looks at me in anger, which only makes me feel like my heart is breaking. "You didn't know what Drew that she was the girl who stole Kylee's boyfriend or that's she was in high school?" She ask him in anger. "You know what you need to take Jade home now and then you come back here because you are grounded this weekend and you are not going anywhere else." She demands him. "Fine," Drew says before take Jade's hand and leading her towards the door. The hurt and anger I was feeling just boils inside me as I pick up her bag and throw it at her as I say, "Don't forget your bags." "Kylee that's it your grounded too," aunt Serah says as she points to my room. "Yes mam," I say as I go to my room, not wanting to argue with her. "This weekend is going to be a long one," I say to myself as I close the door behind me as I enter my room. 

Authors note:
I hope you all have enjoyed this chapter, will update again as soon as I can.

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