23- Choices

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(Kylee POV)
"Kylee you have been crying for hours now, please tell me what's wrong," Olivia says to me as she rubs my head trying to calm me down as my head lays in her lap. I slowly sit up in my bed and look at her then take a deep breath as I say, "he asked me to marry him and told me he was in love with me," I say as I try to hold myself together. "I know sweetie we were all at the graduation when Carter proposed to you, but I don't see the problem I mean you are dating him," Olivia says with laughter in her voice. "No Livi you don't understand Drew proposed to me," I say feeling a little relived to finally tell her. "Oh that's a problem," she says in shock. "Yeah so what do I do, how can I tell one yes and the other no when I don't want to hurt either of them?" I ask her feeling like every decision is a bad one. "Kylee I can't tell you which one to choose, but I will tell you to follow your heart and choose the one you see your self with forever and I believe that the other one will understand," she says before giving me a hug.

(Carter POV)
"What where you thinking, do you hate me, did you just do it to see if you could hurt me," I ramble on in anger after he told me he proposed to Kylee. "It's not like that, I never meant to hurt you," he pleads with me. "Then what is it Drew, please explain because right now I feel like my own brother stabbed me in the back," he yells at me. "I'm in love with her Carter," I tell back at him as I run my hand through my hair. "How long," I asked him taking a deep breath to try and calm myself. "I have loved her since we where little, but I was scared to act on my feelings because of our age difference," I confess to him. "What are we going to do?" I ask him as I let myself fall back on my bed. "I think we should tell her we love her enough to let her choose and that we will support her decision no matter what it is," he says to me as he falls on the bed beside me. "Your my brother and I know you would never hurt me on purpose," I tell Drew hoping to make him fell better. "I think you should go in and talk to her first," Drew tells me before getting up and leaving the room.

I take a deep breath before knocking on Kylee's bedroom door. The door opened revealing Olivia, "Kylee I'll be back later there is someone here I think you need to talk to," she says before walking out the door, "be nice," she scolds in a low voice that only I could here as she passes me. I walk in to find Kylee sitting on her bed and her face was red and puffy from crying. "Kylee can I talk to you for a minute," I ask as I sit beside her on the bed. She sake her head yes as she tries to avoid eye contact with me. "Kylee Drew told me everything and I need you to be honest do you love Drew?" I ask getting to the point. "Yes, but I love you also and I don't know what to do," she says as she starts back crying. I take her in my arms and begin to comfort her. "Kylee it's ok if you want to be with him, I love you and I just want you to be happy, if that means marrying him then I will understand and we can just be good friend like we where before," I tell her honestly event though my heart was breaking. "You would really do that for me," she ask with a small smile. "Of course, Kylee I would do anything for you," I tell her and give her a kiss on her cheek a I get up to leave the room. "And Kylee take your time deciding don't rush," I say just before exiting her room.

(Drew POV)
"Ok I talked to her so now it's your turn," Carter says to me as he enters back into the room. "Ok," I say as I try to calm my nerves as I exit our room and make my way to hers. The door to her room was already cracked so I just went on in. "Kylee I have something I need to say and I want you to hear me out," I say to her as I get down on my knees and place my hands on hers. "Ok," she says softly as her eyes connect with mine. "Kylee I'm so in love with you and this I hard for me, but if you want to marry Carter it's ok and I will do my best to be a friend to you it just may take some time," I tell her as I fight back the tears forming in my eyes. "Drew I'm sorry I hurt you I never meant to hurt you or Carter, but I'm just so confused," she says through her teary eyes. "Shhh it's ok, me and Carter are big boys and we just want you to be happy," I tell her as I sit beside her and pull her into my arms. "I want you take your time to decide and I'm going to go to my dads for a while so that you can have your space," I tell her kindly not wanting to hurt her anymore then she is now. I kiss her on the forehead before getting up and leaving her room so she can have time to think.

(Kylee POV)
It's been a month since both Carter and Drew proposed to me and to be honest I have been trying my best not to over think things and just let my heart decide who I should be with. "So Kylee have you come any closer to deciding who your going to spend the rest of your life with," Olivia ask me curiously. "No truth I have been so caught up with this cancer treatment stuff, I have just tried not to think about it," I tell her honestly. "Kylee you have two guys who would both kill to be with you and you haven't thought about it at all," Olivia asked me surprised my my answer. "Have you even see the boys, have they one to see you at all," she ask curiously. "Well Carter does about once a week but Drew has only been to see me once since they preposed to me," I say to as I shrug my shoulders. "Well Kylee they both are handling it and trying to give you space in their own way and I think it's head in them, that why you need to tell them something soon," she says in a scolding tone. "Look I have an MRI scheduled for tomorrow and if everything goes ok then I will get back to think of who I want to be with," I tell her in a tone that say I want to drop the subject. "One more thing and then I will drop it, can I have the brother you don't want?" She asked me as she tries to sound serious. "Olivia Jones I know you didn't just ask me that," I say as I pick up a pillow off my bed an throw it at her. "What its a good question," she says through her laughter. "You better be glad your my friend, other wise I would have thrown more than a pillow," I say laughing at her.

Authors note:
Ok guys there is only two chapters and an epilogue left to this book.
Who do you think Kylee will choose? You all will find out in the next chapter.
Vote please!!!

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