10- New School

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(Kylee POV)
"Aunt Sarah do I really have to start school today can't I just wait until after spring break since it in a couple weeks anyway?" I beg her hoping she would give in and let me have a little longer to just stay at home. "Kylee I can't allow that you have been out of school long enough and plus we don't know how much school you will have to miss when you start your treatments." She says to me as she continues to gather her stuff for work. "Fine," I huff then get up and make my way to my room to get dressed for school. I decide to dress simple today as I grab a pair of dark wash jeans and a black tank out of my closet. After putting them on I straighten my hair and put on light makeup. As I begin to make my way out of the door I grab a thin green scarf off the back of my door and hung it around my neck just to give my outfit a pop of color.

The car ride with Carter to school was quite aside from the radio playing. We made it to school about fifteen minutes early and as soon as we entered the building Carter ran off with some of his friends leaving me alone to find everything for myself. I begin walking down the hall trying to find the office but having no idea were I was going I knew it wasn't going to be an easy task. I was about to give up when I accidentally tripped over something and begin falling but before I could hit the floor I was caught by someone. "Thanks," I say as I straighten myself up. "You welcome I haven't seen you around here before, are you new?" The guy before me says. "Yeah I'm leaving with the Blake's and this is my first day here," I tell him shrugging my shoulders. "Then that must mean your Kylee, Carter has said something about you living with them," he says to me as he releases my arm from catching me. "So your friends with Carter?" I ask curiously. "Not exactly we really don't get along," he says with laughter in his voice. "Oh, then maybe we should be talking," I say to him just as a girl come up beside us. "What's going on and who are you?" She says looking at me. "She is Kylee the girl staying with the Blake's," the guys whose name I still don't know says to her. She gives me an evil look before, turning her attention to to him, and as she flirts with him I decide that's my cue to leave. I begin walking back in the direction I can just as the bell rang. "Just  great I have no idea where the office and now I'm late for class," I say out loud to myself. "Then let me take you to the office," I here the guy from earlier say to me. "That's ok I don't want to make you late for class too," I say just wanting him to go away. "I'm always late anyway so it's fine," he says shrugging his shoulders. "Look about early you will just have to ignore Kate she can be a possessive when it come to things and people she thinks belong to her," he says trying to apologize for her in his own way. "It's fine she's your girlfriend and she don't like other girls talking to you, I can understand that," I say not really caring about him or her. "Whatever if you get in trouble it's your own fault," I say as I begin to follow him to the office.

We finally made it to the office which wasn't even in the building I had been looking in, "thanks for walking me in here but you can go now," I tell him trying to be nice as I walk inside the office. "How can I help you," the lady behind the desk ask me. "My name is Kylee Morgan and I need my class schedule," I say politely. "Kylee Morgan," she says as she types on the computer. "Ok here you are," she says as she pulls a paper from the printer. "Thanks so much," I say as I take the paper from her hand and begin looking it over as I exit the office. "Let me see what classes you have," the guy from earlier says to me as he pulls the paper from my hand. "Rude much," I mumble under my breath at his action. "Did you say you wanted me to walk you to class, sounds like a great idea," he says to me with a smirk on his face. "No I did not say that I can manage on my on," I say as I take my paper back from him and begin walking off form him. "Your going to wrong way," he hollers out to me. "Ugh fine, show me the way," I huff out.

I begin to enter the class room and realize that he whose name I don't know is still following me, "you can go now," I say trying to hold back my irritation. "I can't go because the class happens to be mine also," he says as he pushes past me and enters the room. "Mr. Cole how nice of you to finally decided to join my class," the teacher says angrily. "Wasn't my fault this time sir, I was with her," he says pointing to me. "And you are?" The teacher ask waiting for me to answer. "Kylee Morgan, this is my first day here I'm a transfer student," I say handing him my paper. "Ok Ms. Morgan you may go have a seat with Mr. Cole," he says to me pointing to the back of the room. I let out a sigh as I make my way to the back of the class and take my seat. "Looks like we are going to have a chance to get to know each other after all, and by the way my name is Cason Cole," he tell me extending his hand for me to shake. I extend my hand to place into his just as he pulls his back from me, "to slow," he says laughing causing some others around us to start laughing also. "Mr. Cole I suggest if you and Ms. Morgan don't want detention you two had better not disrupt my class again," the teacher class out angrily. "Ugh this boys is going to be the death of me," I think to myself before turning my attention to the teacher and his lesson.

School was finally being let out and I couldn't be happier since Cason was in three of my five classes including the one I am just getting out of. I walk out of class as fast as I can and begin making my way out of the school and to Carters car. "Hey Kylee wait up," I hear Cason call out to me but I just ignore him and keep walking hoping he would just go away. A minute later Cason had caught up to me and was putting his arm around my shoulder. "What do you want," I say in frustration. "Who feisty are we, I was just wondering if you would like to come hang out with me I'm sure I'm a lot more fun then Carter," he says laughing at me. "No I would not want to go with you in fact I would like it if you would take your arm off of me and leave me alone," I say angrily as I push his arm off and continue to the car. "You will change you mind just watch and see," he calls out be for heading to a group of his friends on the other side of the parking lot.

As I get to the car I see a very angry looking Carter leaning against the car. "What the heck are you thinking hanging out with Cason," he yells at me. "I haven't been hanging with him, I don't even know him," I say not understand his anger I mean I know he doesn't like the guy but acting like this is just crazy. "Don't lie to me the whole school as been talking about you the new girl hanging out with Cason the school bad boy," he say grabbing my arm. "I'm not lying," I begin trying to defend myself as I fight back tears in my eyes. "You are lying or else the whole school wouldn't be taking about you two, but you are never to hang around him again you understand," he says shaking me in anger. "No you listen to me I don't have to do anything you say, you don't own me and I will hang out with whoever I want to," I say angrily as I slap his hand off me and start running across the parking lot. "Cason," I call out once I was close enough for him to hear me. "What is did you change you mind already," he says with a smirk. "Yeah I did," I say to him. "Cool then how about we get out of here," he says as he hops on his motorcycle then helps me climb on. "Here put this on," he says as he hands me his helmet. "Ok," I say putting on the helmet then placing my hands around his waist. As he pulls out of the parking lot I can hear Carter faintly calling form me to come back, but I had to prove a point to him that he can't tell me what I can and can't do.

Authors Note:
Well I threw someone else into the mix of things. What do you all think of Cason do you think that this could be someone Kylee will fall for or will it be strictly her using him against Carter?
Picture of Cason on this chapter!

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