18- Adjusting

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(Kylee POV)
It's been a week since Tyler woke up and he still didn't have his memory back, but besides that he seems to be the same happy little boy he used to be. "Kylee Kylee do I get to start school today?" He ask as he bounces on my bed in excitement. "Yes you do," I say laughing at his excitement. "Help me get dressed sissy," he says pulling my hand. I get out of bed and let him drag me to his room which used to be Drew's. "So what do you want to were to school today shorts or pants?" I ask him as a I hold out one of each to him. "Shorts," he says pointing to the tan shorts. "Ok then lest get you dresses," I say as I hand the pants back up and grab a blue shirt from the closet. After placing his clothes on we make our way downstairs for breakfast. "Hey sweet heart how is my little boy this morning," Aunt Sarah says as she places a plate of pancakes in front of him. "I think he a little excited about school this morning," I tell her laughing. "I can see that, Kylee why don't you go wake Carter up and then you go get yourself ready for school," she says as she sits down beside Tyler. "Ok thanks," I say before I begin making my way back down the hall.

I finally make it to school and I have to say I feel safe as Carter holds my hand. "Are you sure you ready to be back at school?" Carter ask as we enter into the school. "Yeah as ready as I can be," I say shrugging my shoulders. "Well I'm just glad to have you here with me and that you are better," he says to me before leaning over and placing a kiss on my cheek. "Me too," I say not really being totally honest. "Well we better get to class," I say as I pull my hand from him and start making my way to class. Even though I feel safe with Carter the truth is that I have begin to realize I don't know if being with him is the right decision, but I feel like I need him to keep me strong.

I sit in class trying to focus on the Mr. Armstrong teach but it started getting harder to do as I my head begins to ache. "Kylee are you ok," Cason wispers as he leans over to me. "I don't feel so good," I barely manage to get out. "Mr. Armstrong I think I need to take Kylee to the nurse something is seriously wrong with her," he calls out to the teacher as he starts to make his way around to my seat. "Take her and make sure you stay with her until you know she is ok then come back to class," Mr. Anderson says to Cason. I stand up and begin to try and walk up front but I only took two steps before collapsing on to the floor.

(Cason POV)
I was sitting in Mr. Anderson's class which was about halfway done, when I look over at Kylee who didn't look too good. She had grown pale and looked like she was zoned out. After telling Mr. Anderson that I was going to take her to the nurse, Kylee got up and begin to make her way up front. "Kylee," I scream out as I watch her collapse on the floor just a few seats in front of me. I run to her side and get on the floor beside her as everyone else gathers around to see what's going on. I scoop her up in my arms and begin running to the nurses office as quickly as I can.

"What is her name and what happened," the school nurse ask me as I lay her on the bed. "Her name is Kylee and she got really pale and when she tried to walk she just collapsed," I tell her in a panic as I step back out of the way. "Kylee can you hear me," the nurse says as she try's to shake her awake. "Does she have any family here that may know her medical history," she asked me as she continues to check Kylee out. "Well her boyfriend Carter Blake's mother is her guardian, I could go get him I'm sure he will know something," I say before running out the door to go get Carter.

I burst into the class were Carter was and immediately start making my way to his seat. "Mr. Cole is there something I can help you with?" Mrs. Hudson calls out to me. "Sorry," I call out to her before trying back to Carter, "it's Kylee, Carter she collapsed in class and the nurse sent me to come get you." Carter jumped out of his seat and both he and I took off to the nurses office. "Thanks for helping her, but I have got it from here," Carter tells me trying to get rid of me. "Look I know we don't get along but Kylee is my friend and I'm not leaving her so you are just going to have to deal with it," I demand to him as we make it to the nurses office.

(Carter POV)
"Is she ok?" I ask the nurse as I burst into the room. "I'm fine," I here a weak Kylee say as the nurse steps to the side. "Kylee what's going on I thought you were getting better," I ask her as I try to remain calm. "I'm fine, I promise!" She say giving me a small smile. "Kylee you don't have to hid anything from me you can be honest and even if you do fell fine now I still think you should go see your doctor," I say trying to get her to tell me the truth. "Kylee I'm going to call you guardian now so she can come pick you up from school," the nurse calls out as she picks up the phone. "No it's fine really, I think I just got dehydrated," Kylee tells the nurse quickly. "I'm sorry but I really am supposed to, but if Carter here is ok with missing the rest of the day he can take you home," she say before leaving Kylee and I alone to talk. "Kylee if you don't tell me what's going on now then I'm going to tell her to call my mom and you can tell her what's going on," I demand her. "I haven't been taking me medication," she says almost in a whisper as she looks down at the grown. "Kylee why haven't you been taking them, you know that you could die from the cancer if you don't treat it," I say calmly as I lift her head so she was looking at me. "I just don't want to feel the way I did when I did this," she says sadly as she holds up her scared wrists. "That's what your doctor is for Kylee, you have to tell him these thing so he can put you on something different," I tell her as I gently wipe the tears from her eyes. "I'm just scared, what if I go back and there isn't anything else they can do for me?" She ask me as she continues to let tears fall. "How about we make you an appointment tomorrow and I will go with you for support," I say to her sweetly. "Ok," she says shaking her head. "Now how about we get you home and we can lay back and watch some movies," I say as I help her to her feet and we begin to make our way out the door. "Wait I have to talk to Cason for a minute before we leave," she says to me and I watch as she goes up to him and he hugs he close. I have to say that event though I may not like the guy but he really is a good friend to Kylee which means I'm going to have to try harder to get along with him for her sake.

Authors Note:
I am so sorry his I know I haven't posted in a while but I was on vacation last weekend and I just got back Monday and then I have had a crazy week this week, but I promise I will do my best to post again before the week is out.

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