22- Graduation Day!!

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(Kylee POV)
"I'm so happy that your going to graduate and that your letting me get you ready," Olivia squeals in excitement. "Me too, but I hate that I wasn't able to make it to yours yesterday," I tell her sadly. "Kylee it's ok I'm just glad the doctor is letting you walk today," she say as she begins to unpack the bag she brought to the hospital. "So are you going to have to wear a mask the entire night," she ask me curiously. "No my doctor said as long as I wear it while I'm with a big crowd that I can take it off while I walk to get my diploma," I inform her as I grab the dress she laid out for me and head to the bathroom to change.

After getting the dress on I stand looking in the mirror at how beautiful the dress was. The dress was white with a ruffle zigzagging down the right sides of it and it had a black sash as a belt. "Kylee are you going to stay in there forever, or are you going to come out so I can see the dress on you," Olivia says as she knocks on the bathroom door. I open the door and step out revealing myself in the dress. "Wow Kylee you look beautiful in that dress," she says as she has me spin slowly. "I love it Livi, you did an awesome job picking it out," I tell her as I give her a hug. "Thanks, now let's get your hair and makeup done before Sarah comes to get you, we don't want you to be late for your own graduation now do we," she say with a small giggle before making me sit in a chair so she could curl my hair.

(Drew POV)
I pull up to the hospital and my heart races with every step I take because I know that tell Kylee how I feel could go two ways, she could tell me she loves me and wants to be with me or she could say no to it all. I open the door to her hospital room to find her looking gorgeous in a white dress that his just above her knees, her hair done in loose curls, and her makeup made her look said she wasn't sick at all. I hadn't realized I was starting until Olivia snaps her fingers in front of my face and with a giggle says, "dude snap out of it." "Sorry," I say quickly before walking over to Kylee. "Kylee you look beautiful," I say to her as I pull her into my arms holding her close. "Thanks," she says in a low voice as I loosen my hold on her and place a kiss on her forehead. "Why did Aunt Sarah or Carter come to get me," she ask me curiously. "Well mom was trying to get herself and Tyler ready and Carter was late picking up his tux so he wasn't ready to go yet either so they asked me to come get you," I tell her not wanting to make it sound like a big deal. "Ok that's fine, I'm ready whenever you are," she says as he quickly grabs her phone off the bed and begins to exit the room. "What about Olivia is she riding with us," I ask her as I follow after her. "No she said she is going to get ready here and clean up then she will meet us at the school," she say as she continues to head to the car.

Before heading to the school I decided to pull off at the lake so I could have a private place to talk to Kylee. "Drew why are we stopping here we have to be at the school in fourty-five minutes," she say nervously. "Kylee I want to talk to you about something and I wanted to do it alone," I tell her as I try to keep my own nerves in check. I get out of the car then go around to help her out. I take her hand in mine and begin to walk down to the pier. Once we make it to the pier I get down on one knee and continue to hold her hand in mine. "Kylee I'm in love with you and I think I have been every since we were little and I was just to scared to tell you because of our age difference," I say before pausing and trying to read her mind as tears stream down her face. "Kylee I want you to be mine now and forever, I know I haven't done a good job at showing it but I promise if you give me a chance I will show you how much I love you, Kylee Morgan will you marry me," I ask her as I pull out the ring my father gave me. At first she said nothing she just stood there crying, so I stand up and pull her into my arms. "Kylee you don't have to answer me know, but at least tell me what your thinking," I whisper to her as I feel tears begin to form I my own eyes. "Drew I can't, I'm with Carter and I can't do this to him it's not fair." She says in a whisper I could barely hear. "I will talk to Carter I just need to know whether you love me or not," I ask her as I hold her out from me so I can see her beautiful face. "Yes Drew I love you, is that what you wanted to here, but we can't do anything about it because I'm with Carter and I love him to much to just leave him or to act on this in my way," she say with a sort of anger in her voice. "Kylee I know you love him and I'm not saying you don't, but are you in love with him," I ask pleading for her to give me the answer I want to here. "I'm not doing this, I don't have to tell you anything and we have to go or I'm going to be late for my graduation," she says before stomping off to my car without another word.

(Carter POV)
I stand outside the stadium waiting for Kylee to get here, "Livi are you sure they left before you did," I ask her in a panic. "Yes now calm down I'm sure she will be here soon," she says in a mocking tone. "Hey what's going on," Kylee says as she comes running up to me. "Nothing I was just worried you was not going to make it on time," I tell her as I pull her into my arms. "I'm here Drew just had to make a stop before we came," she says quietly. "Ok well let's get your gown we start walking soon," I tell her as I take her hand and lead her to get her cap and gown.

As Kylee's name was called I begin to help her make her way to the stage since she is still a little weak from the chemo. Once she received her diploma and was about to start her way back down but I took her hand as if to help her down but instead got down on one knee. "Kylee I love you and I realized over the past couple months that I don't want to live my life without you in it, so will you do me the honor of becoming my wife," I ask as I pull out the ring and hear shock gasp come from the audience. I had expected to see tears of joy in her eyes but instead she stood there shocked as if I had told her some bad news. "Kylee will you marry me?" I ask her hoping to get an answer this time. "I I I can't do this," she stammers out before running off the stage in tears. "Kylee," I call out as I run off the stage after her. "Carter wait let me go talk to her," Olivia say as she grabs my arm making me stop chasing after Kylee. I do as she says and let her go after Kylee and I collapse on the ground feeling heart broken. "I just don't understand I thought she loved me," I say sadly as tear begin to form in my eyes. "Carter there is something I need to tell you and I need you to hear me out until I'm finished," Drew says to me sounding scared to death of what he was about to tell me. "What is it Drew," I ask him letting out a heavy sigh. "I know why Kylee ran and I its all my fault, but I don't think we should do this here let's go home and I will explain everything," he says as he offers me his hand to help me up which I accept without hesitation.

Authors Note:
I'm sorry for leaving you hanging but you will be glad I did once I get to the end of my story.
Thanks everyone who is reading and voting for my story you guys are awesome!
There is a picture of Kylee graduation dress on this chapter.

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