4- Deadly Six Letter Word

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(Kylee POV)
I still don't remember much while I was running the fever, but is been two days since I got sick and I'm feeling pretty much back to normal and I'm am set to start school Monday. "Are you ready to go to your doctors appointment," Carter ask me as she steps inside my room. "Yeah, but I don't understand why I have to go or why you missed school to take me when I feel fine," I say to him the let out an irritated breath. "Look you scared us half to death the other day and mom wants to make sure you are fine, and it wasn't for her having to go back to work today she would have took you herself," he says to me before stepping closer to me. "Look let's just go get you check out and get it over with and then me and you can hang out the rest of the day doing whatever you want," he says to me as he takes my hand into his. "Ok, as long as I can have ice cream after," I say in a pouty way. "Your wish is my command," he says in laughter. "Let's get this over with," I say with a small smile before exiting my room and making my way to Carter's car.

We made it to the doctors office a few minutes early so me and Carter were currently sitting in the waiting are for my name to be called. "Do you want me to go back there with you so you don't have to be alone," I here Carter ask breaking the silence in the room. "Yes please, I really don't want to be alone," I say happy that he asked because I didn't want to make him go in if he didn't want to. "Kylee Morgan the doctor will see you now," I here a nurse say from the door so I go up and begin to follow here to a room with Carter right behind me. "Ok we need to get some blood from you then you can go to the room right there," she says pointing to a room across the hall from the one I was currently standing in, "and sir you can go wait in that room for her." Carter walks off just leaving me and the nurse who is setting everything oh for me to have my blood drawn.

After having my blood drawn I make my way to the room I was told earlier to go and Carter was sitting in the chair reading a magazine. "Is there anything interesting in the magazine," I ask trying to start up a conversation. "No not really but I beats just sitting here," he says before handing me the magazine from me to read. "That's ok I'm not really interested in it," I say before pulling out my phone to text Mark.
Me: Hey are you in school?
Mark: No I skipped today, trying to get ready for the party that my cousins are throwing. What are you doing.
Me: Oh ok, I'm at the doctors waiting on the results of my blood work.
Mark: Oh everything will be fine just all part of a routine check-up. You should come to the party tonight.
Me: Mark you know I don't like coming to those things because there is way to much drinking.
Mark: Kylee you need to lighten up, Jade and Olivia are coming.
Me: So just because they come doesn't change the fact that I don't want to go.
The Whatever Kylee, you never want to do anything fun!
After him texting me that message I just gave up on texting him, we always fight over his partying all the time. I just don't like being around him when he is drunk because he becomes forceful and mildly mean.

After sitting in the doctors office for almost and hour, there was a knock on the room door. "Come in," I say already figuring it was the doctor. "Kylee I have the results of your blood work and I was wanting to know would you like to have your guardian here with you when I tell you the results," he asked as he opens up my file. "No she is working and can't get off today," I tell him figuring it was nothing to be concerned about. "Well the news isn't very great but the good thing is we believe we caught it early enough to beat it," Dr. Brown rambles on. "What are you talking about, you caught what early enough," I ask starting to get scared. "Kylee I hate to tell you but you have Lukemia," he says to me sympathetically. "I have Cancer?" I ask him in shock. "Yes but it's nothing to be worried about at this point, I looks like we caught it very early and we will run some more test to determine whether or not you need Chemo or if we can treat it by just giving you a medication to take," I here him say but I couldn't really focus on the words he was saying because I was in so much shock. "Kylee it's going to be ok I will help you get through this," I hear Carter say as he wipes the tears from my eyes and pulls me to him. Funny thing is I had not even realized I was crying until I felt him wipe my tears away I just felt so numb, like my life was over. Maybe this is life's way of punishing me for killing my parents.

We rode all the way home in silence, because I was just to numb to care about carrying a meaningless conversation with Carter. We make it back home and thankfully it was empty because I definitely didn't want to talk to anyone about the doctors visit. I run into my room, close the door, and climb into my bed just wanting to be alone. I was in my room long before a knock came on my door, but refusing to talk to anyone I decided to just ignore it and maybe they would go away. The knocked continued for a few minutes before it grew silent. I figured they just when away but then I felt my bed dip down. "Kylee when need to talk about what the doctor said back there at the clinic," Carter say with a hint of sadness in his voice. "No we don't, there is noting to talk about," I say acting like I had know idea what he was talking about. "Kylee don't do this, don't act like you don't here what the doctor said," he says as he places a hand on my back. "Carter just leave me alone and please don't tell anyone about what the doctor said," I tell him angrily. "Kylee we have to tell my mom so you can start treatment right away," he begs me. "No you are not going to tell anyone and the doctor is wrong, you'll see I don't need treatment," I tell him angrily as I sit up in the bed to face him. "Fine I will keep it between us but only until you go to the doctors appointment next week for more test," he says letting out a deep breath and then getting up making his way out of my room. After he was gone I got up locked my door so nobody else could disturb me, then I climbed back into my bed and went to sleep.

Authors Note:
So Kylee has Cancer do you think she will accept the fact she has cancer or is denial just the begin of a long road of not admitting the truth about her condition? I guess you will just have to keep reading and see.

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