5- Denying The Truth (part 1)

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(Kylee POV)
I wake up and decide to head to the kitchen to get something to drink, but on my way I here Drew and someone else talking and decide to stop and listen to what they were saying. "So are you up for the party tonight?" I here the unfamiliar voice ask. "Yeah I am but I don't know how good it's going to be since a lot of people who are younger then us are going to be there," Drew says sounding a little disappointed. "So we used to go to parties all the time when we were teenagers it didn't stop us from drinking," I here the guy tell Drew. "Yeah, you are definitely right about that I got waisted a lot," Drew said with laughter in his voice. I decided I wanted in on the party since I could definitely used the distraction so I knock on the door and wait for a answer. A minute after knocking I here the door unlock and open to reveal Drew. "Kylee why are you knocking on my door," he said looking confused since me and him haven't talked since the night he tried to kiss me. "I just heard voices in here and I was bored so I thought I would see what you were up to," I say shrugging my shoulders. "Well I'm kinda busy hanging out with Jason," he says open the door some more to reveal a guy that looked to be the same age as Drew and he had long shaggy brown hair with green eyes, not to mention he was very good looking. "Dude you didn't tell me you had a sister," he said looking me over. "I don't," he says quickly. "Then who is this hot girl and we're have you been hiding her," Jason says as he continues to check me out. As I shift uncomfortably under his gauze realizing I was only wearing shorts and a tank top, Drew seemed to get angry as he realized Jason was checking me out. "Jason shut up and quit staring at her," Drew says as he steps in front of me to block Jason's view. "What do you want," he asked shifting his anger towards me. "Why are you getting angry with me for?" I ask matching his anger. "Because you knew I had someone in here yet you decide to come in here dressed like that," he said pointing to my clothes. "Whatever, I just wanted to know if I can ride with you to the party tonight?" I asked just getting straight to the point. "No!" he said trying to push me out the door. "Fine then I will just get Mark to come get me," I say shrugging my shoulders as I turn to leave his room. Before he had time to answer I run to my room to find something to wear.

I don't know what it was about Drew's anger that made me want more, but I decided to wear a dress that was grey with big pinks stripes running across the bottom of it and I fell about middle ways of my thighs. I then decided to curl my hair into lose wavy curls leaving it to lay were it looked natural, and done my makeup in natural colors also. After finishing getting dressed I grab my cell phone and make my way out of the room. "Kylee where are you going to dressed up?" My Aunt Sarah says when I walk into the kitchen. "I'm going to a party tonight with my friends," I tell her honestly hoping she wouldn't care. "Ok well you be careful, and does it happen to be the same party that Drew is going to?" She asked courteously. "Yes but he doesn't want me riding with him so I'm fixing to call Mark to pick me up on his way to the party," I say shrugging my shoulders as I begin to dial his number. I start walking back to my room so I could talk to Mark in private, but as soon as I hit the dial button the phone was yanked out of my hand and I found myself being pulled into Drew's room. "What the heck do you think your doing," Drew asked angrily but the black to his eyes told me he was having trouble controlling himself. "What does it look like," I say trying to match his anger while trying to hide my laughter at the effect I have on him. "I told you your not going to the party with me," he said stepping closer to me. "And I told you I was going to just call Mark to come get me," I say trying to sound like I didn't care if I went with him or not. "Kylee you are not going to the party dressed like that, much less riding with some guy I don't know," he says as his angry voice becomes more of jealousy. "Well I'm going and it doesn't matter if you take me or not, so if you don't want me riding with Mark then I guess you better take me," I say shrugging my shoulders as I act innocent. Drew steps closer to me causing me to back into the wall, then he leans into my ear and whispers , "Fine you can ride with me, but if you go like that you may get more than you bargain for." I shiver from his breath on my ear. He backs up from me and turns to exit his room leaving me standing in shock over what he meant by what he just said and the effect he has over me. "Well are you coming or not," Drew says with a cocky grin before proceeding to exit the room. "Yeah," I say regaining myself and exiting the room after him.

We pull up to the house where the party was happening and the music was so loud that you could here it from the time you pulled into the neighborhood. "How are they getting away with the music being so loud," I ask Drew curiously. "Because the boys that live here's dad owns the whole neighborhood," he says with laughter. "What is so funny?" I ask feeling irritated. "You have never been to a party before have you?" He asked before getting out of the car and making his way inside. I get out of the car and catch up to Drew before saying, "I have been to a party by the way, it just wasn't quite as big as this one." "Yeah I figured just stick close to me or your friends because there is going to be a lot of people drinking and I really don't want to see you hurt," he says before making is way into the house and me following close behind him. As we starts to make our way through the crown I gab on to his shirt so that I wouldn't loose him. To say I was a little scared of being amongst a big crowd of people I don't know was an understatement but I was determined to let go and have a good time tonight.

Authors Note:
That's it for the first half on Denying The Truth, the second half will be all about the party.
Picture of Jason on this Chapter.

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