17- Moving On

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(Drew POV)
After walking in on Kylee and my brother, I just couldn't take being it that house with them. My heart felt like it had been ripped out of me, but I really don't have the right to be mad because she never belonged to me. I have been back at the school for over a week and I have just been keeping myself locked in my room trying to avoid everyone.  "Dude you have got to get up out of this bed and let's go have some fun, get that girl off you mind," Jason said as he pulls the covers off me. "How am I supposed to just forget her," I say letting out a deep sigh. "Let's go find you another girl," he says pulling up to my feet. "I can't just move on to another girl Jason is not that easy," I say rolling my eyes. "Maybe not but a rebound is just want you need to make yourself feel better, and hey if not the maybe you could use her to make Kylee jealous," he say shrugging his shoulders. "You knew what you may be right maybe I can use another girl to make Kylee jealous, then maybe she will see that she wants to be with me instead of Carter," I say agreeing with his theory. "Then get yourself dressed and let go party," he say excitedly. "Ok I'll meet you down stairs in half and hour," I tell him as he heads out the room. "Ok and Drew make sure you shower because you stink," he says with laughter. I pick up a pillow and throw it at him but he dunks out the door before it could hit him.

I walk into the party with the agenda of finding the perfect girl to be my rebound and to help make Kylee jealous. "Here drink this," Jason says handing me a cup filled with some kind of alcohol. I drink it down quick since it wasn't the best thing I had ever tasted. "Now let's find you a hottie to hook you up with," Jason says sounding a little to excited. "Why do I have a bad feeling about this," I say to him shaking my head. "Because you scared you may actually like the girl I hook you up with," she says in a questioning tone. "No I don't think that's it," I say laughing. "Yeah your probably right," he says laughing too.

We arrive to the party about and hour after it had already started, so the party was in full swing. Even though I really wasn't in the mood to party, I felt like maybe coming here would help me get my mind of Kylee. "Operation find you a girl is officially a go," Jason says seriously. "Dude where do you come up with you sayings?" I ask laughing at him. "I will never tell," he says before walking over to a group of girls at the back of the house. I watch as he talks to the girls and points to me. One girls starts making over to me and she was definitely hot, she had long auburn hair and I could tell by the way she carried herself that I was going to have my hands full with her. "Hey sexy, I was told you were looking for a girl to have a little fun with," she says flirtatiously as she runs a finger down my chest. As I fight the part of me that was turned off by how she throws herself at me I realize she looks really familiar. "Do I know you from somewhere," I ask her curiously as I grab her hand to stop her from touching me. "No I don't think so, I don't live around here I'm visiting the campus to see if I want to go here next year," she says as try's to throw me off of figuring out where I know her from. "So wait your telling me your still in high school," I say as I continue to try and figure out where I know her from. "Yes but I just turned eighteen so what's the problem," she says before trying to lead me upstairs. "Wait I knew where I know you," I say as it finally clicks where I know her from. "No I told you there is no way you know me," she say nervously. "Yes I do you were at the Morgan's funeral, your friends with Kylee," I say snapping my fingers. "We are not friends anymore," she say angrily. "Of course you not because you slept with her boyfriend," I say matching her anger. "I guess there is noting going to happen between us tonight now is there," she say before turning an stomping off.

"Dude she was the one that slept with Kylee's boyfriend at the party that night," I explains to Jason. "Well don't that make it better what way to get back at Kylee then to be with her x-best friend," he says throwing and arm around my shoulder. "Yeah I guess your right," I say as I huff out a breath. "Don't tell me you having second thoughts, I mean come on she went behind your back and started dating your brother," he says questioning my    thoughts. "Well I was but your right she deserves to feel the pain I felt when I walked in on her and Carter," I say feeling in powered to go through with my plan. "Good that's what I'm talking about, now go get the girl," he says pushing me off towards the girl.

I walk up to her a gently tap her on the shoulder. "What do you want now," she say angrily. "Look I'm sorry about early, I don't really know you so I shouldn't judge you." I apologize to her. She say nothing as she stand with her hands on her hip waiting for me to continue. "Look how about we start over, my name is Drew," I say extending my hand out to her. "My name is Jade, she says after a few minutes and shakes my hand. "Now how about let's go get some drinks and get to know one another," I say grabbing her hand and pulling her to the kitchen. "Fine but if I get enough of you, I'm leaving," she says with a small smile. "Deal," I say as I begin poring us some drinks.

Authors note:
Sorry, I know I haven't wrote in a while but I have been very busy between work and school but I promise to update at least a couple times this week.

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