1- Release Day!

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(Kylee POV)

"So everything with her seems fine, and I see no reason why she can't go home today," says the doctor to my aunt as they stand just outside my room door. "That's good I'm glad, I don't think her staying here is a good idea if she doesn't have to," I here Aunt Sarah say to the doctor. "I agree she has been through so much in one day and I don't think she should have to stay in here tonight she only sustained minor injuries, but her red blood count levels are a little off but that could just be from the stress of the wreck," he says to Sarah with little concern. "Are you sure that you don't need to run more test then?" She ask with concern. "No all of the ones we have ran so far have been normal so unless something changes or her pain worsens then I will just see her in a couple weeks just to check her cell levels and make sure they are back to normal," he says before exiting the room. I sit up in the bed just as Sarah enters back into the room. "Your awake that's good they are getting you ready to be discharged," she says to me trying to hide her concern. "Aunt Sarah is everything ok?" I ask her not wanting to let on that I was listening in on her and the doctor. "Yes everything's fine you will come back to see your doctor in two weeks just for a checkup on your progress," she says even though her face still showed worry, but I just brush it off figuring it was probably just all the stress this situation has put on her.

A few hours later I had been released from the hospital and we were pulling into my Sarah's house. "Sweetheart I have had all your things brought over from your house and they have been put in the guest room, which will now be yours," she says as she turns the car off. "Thanks for all you have done I really appreciate it, and I'm sorry i have to impose on you like this," I say with sadness in my voice. "Oh honey your not imposing on me, I love you and you know that you have always been like family and nothing will change that," she say reassuring me. "Now come on let's get you inside and settled in sure your tired after not getting much sleep in the hospital last night," she says as she gets out of the car and comes to my side and helps me out of the car since I'm still really sore from the accident. We make our way inside to immediately be met at the door by a guy with dark brown hair and brown eyes. "Carter do you mind helping her to her room while I go to the pharmacy to pick up her medicine," I here Sarah say to the boy. So this is Carter I haven't seen him since I was like five, I think to myself. "Sure mom I will help her," he says as he puts his arm around my back to help support me. He walks me down the hall to my room and helps me sit on the bed. "How are you feeling is their anything I can get you," he ask me trying to be polite. "No thanks I just need to sleep," I say to him not really feeling like entertaining anyone. "Ok well my room is across the hall from yours if you need anything," he says before exiting my room. As soon as the door shut I broke down, and I don't know how long I laid here crying before I finally just fell asleep my body just to exhausted from me to fight sleep any longer.

(Carter POV)
When mom got the call about the Morgan's being in a car accident and that their kids were left orphans, the sadness that overcame her was heart breaking. I personally haven't seen Kylee since I was like six but I can't imagine the pain she must be going through having both her parents die and then not knowing if her brother Tyler who is only three will ever wake up from his coma. My dad left my mom for another woman when I was ten but at least I still have both my parents alive and my brother Drew is living at college a couple towns over so I can still see them anytime I want to. After going to Kylee's house and getting her and her brothers things from their house so that she doesn't have to ever go back there, I put all of her things away in what will now be her room.

After finishing putting her things away I here mom pull into the driveway, so I go to the living room meeting them at the door. When they entered I couldn't help but stare at a girl with long brown hair and her piercing green eyes, but looking at her I could tell she was no longer the happy little girl I used to play with as a kid instead she was a broken shell of who she used to be. "Carter do you mind helping her to her room while I go to the pharmacy to pick up her medicine," Mom say to the me. "Sure mom I will help her," I says as I put an arm around her back to help support her as I walk her down the hall to her room and help sit her on the bed. "How are you feeling is their anything I can get you," I ask her politically. "No thanks I just need to sleep," she says to me almost emotionless. "Ok well my room is across the hall from yours if you need anything," I says before exiting her room. When I shut the door I hear her start to cry. "I wish there was something I could do to make her happy again," I think to myself before deciding I will do whatever it takes to make her happy again.

I noticed she didn't have her phone anymore which means it must have gotten broken it the wreck so I decided to go to my room and see if I can find my old iPhone. After finding the phone I decided to call mom to ask if we can activate it, "mom will you go by and get a sims card for my old iPhone so that Kylee with have a way to talk to her friends?" "Honey I think that's a great idea I will get it and will be home shortly, then since it was your idea you can give it to her," she says to me happily.

A couple hours later mom came home with the sims card, Kylee medicine, and she also brought home supper so she didn't have to cook. "Carter do you mind going and waking up Kylee so she can come eat something and take her medicine," she asked as she places all the stuff on the table. "Sure mom and I will go ahead and give her the phone maybe it will help cheer her up some," I say feeling somewhat hopeful. "Sounds good now go on and get her," she says with laughter in her voice. I head to Kylees room and I knock on her door, "Kylee are you awake?" There wasn't an answer so I open the door slowly to see that she is curled up in a ball on the bed still sleeping, so I slowly make my way to the bed and sit beside her. "Kylee wake up my mom wants you to come down stairs and eat," I say as I gently shake her. She begins stirring so I call out the her again, "Kylee are you awake?" "Yeah I'm awake but I don't feel like eating," she says without even turning to look at me. "Kylee please you have to eat," I say to her sweetly hoping to persuade her to eat something. "Carter will you just go I'm not hungry," she begs me. "Ok fine but here is you a phone so that you can call your friends if you want to maybe it will do you some good to have them come over," I say to her as I place the phone on the bed beside her. I begin to make my way out of her room when I hear her say, "Carter." "Yeah?" I ask as I turn back around to find her sitting up and looking at me. "Thanks for the phone it really means a lot," she say giving me a small smile. "Your welcome," I smiling back at her then heading to the kitchen to tell mom that Kylee wasn't coming down to eat.

Authors Note:
Hope you all are enjoying this story so far.
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Picture of Carter on this chapter.

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