~Chapter 01: SHS Day- Jayson's POV~

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"Jayson! Jayson!"

I hear Kathyrene's loud voice outside our house. Kathyrene and I have been friends since we were in Junior Highschool. My ears recognize the sound coming outside of my room. I know those footsteps belong to Kathyrene. Who else would be making that much noise?

As the door finally opened, I quickly wrap myself in with my blanket.

"Jayson! Wake up!" Kathyrene exclaims.

I don't want to get up yet. I want to keep my eyes closed. Why is she shouting like that? Is there some new gossip she's excited about?


Kathyrene's shout is even louder this time.

"What's the rush? Why are you yelling so early? I still want to sleep," I retort.

"Don't you remember? It's the first day of school! Aren't you excited, Jay?" She jumps up and down with excitement. But really, what's so exciting about the first day of school? It's all the same routine. Giving introductions, writing, assignments, projects, making friends, and pretending. Is there anything new?

"Kathy, what's so great about today for you?" I ask.

She quickly responds, "We're finally Senior High School students! At Tublay National High School!"

"And what's the point of being in Senior High?" I responded back.

"It means we only have two years left until we go to college," she replies.

Oh right, only two years left until college. Even though I'm a Senior High student, I still don't know what I want in the future. I didn't experienced high school love yet.

"Another boring year," I mutter as I wipe my face in the bathroom.

"Jayson! Hurry up, it's almost 7:30," Kathy yells, even though I'm still inside the bathroom. Seriously, is this girl a human speaker? Does she have a volume control?

Kathy and I quickly organize our things. I put on my eyeglasses and we rush out of the house.
Luckily, a jeepney was approaching, and I quickly hailed it. It stopped right in front of us, and I said to Kathy, "Good thing you're not picky about riding a jeep," with a chuckle.

"Of course, even though we're wealthy, I grew up not being fussy," she replied.

As we got off the jeep, I accidentally bumped into a guy. His sturdy build almost knocked me over.

"Uh-uhm sorry," he stammered. Then he hurried off to join other male students standing near the canteen.

Kathy pulled me along and said, "Jay, what's taking you so long? Let's see if we're seatmates!" Why did she mentioned seatmates? She stopped abruptly and corrected herself, "Oh, sorry, I mean classmates. Excuse me, I'm just nervous about our new batch."

I assured her that there was no need to apologize, it's normal for anyone to feel anxious. We walked around together, searching for our class section.

"Jay! Come here, I found your name." I went over to check my section and see if Kathy was also my classmate. Unfortunately, we weren't in the same section, and her disappointment was evident in her eyes. I told her it was okay not to be in the same section as long as we were in the same school. Also I chosen Humanities and Social Sciences or known as HUMSS as my track.

I accompanied her to find her own section and invited her to have lunch with me later. She smiled and said,

"Of course, Jay. We've known each other for a long time, and you're my closest friend. We've got each other's backs." It was true, we'd been close friends for years. Our neighbors even mistook us for a couple, but we had cleared that up. I bid her farewell and entered my classroom, looking for a seat where I could settle in.

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