~Chapter 13: Vlog- Jayson's POV~

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"Okay class, did you manage to get to know your classmates better and how's your vlog? Have you started it?" Our teacher asked right away.

"Ma'am, when is the last submission?"

"Don't worry, this performance task isn't rushed since it will be submitted after your final examination this second semester," she replied.

I breathed a sigh of relief because we still have a few weeks left before submitting our vlog. Our teacher gave us time during her subject to meet with our partners and discuss how we'll start the vlog.

"Luke, do you have any plans?"

"D-Do you?"

"I already have a plan, and we'll start by introducing ourselves on camera. Then we'll find out each other's interests, places we'd like to visit, favorite foods, and more. Hmm... Let's also add other things if we're short on video content," I answered.

"O-Okay," he said.

"Let's start on Saturday since we don't have classes that day, unless you have other commitments."

"I-It's fine, but can I bring someone along?"

"Vincent? Sure, I'm okay with that, and I'll also call Kathy," I replied.

We both agreed to start our vlog on Saturday morning, and I immediately informed Kathy. She said she would come and help me if I ever got stuck or didn't know what to say.

"Thanks, Kathy."

"You're welcome."

Saturday morning arrived, and I quickly showered and had breakfast before heading to Kathy's house to pick her up. I called Kathy, and to my surprise, she said,

"Do your vlog here at my house since Luke and Vincent are already here."

"What?! Really?"

"Yes, they're actually here. I messaged Vincent," she said.

I told her I was waiting for a jeepney, so I might be a bit late getting to her house. Soon enough, a jeepney stopped in front of me, and luckily, there were only a few passengers inside.

The jeepney ride took almost half an hour before I reached Kathy's house. I immediately noticed Vincent's car in the garage, confirming that they were indeed there.

I entered the house and found Luke drinking water while chatting with Vincent and Kathy.

"What are you all talking about?" I asked.

"Nothing much. I just told Luke what you can do here," Kathy replied.

"S-Should we start, Jayson?"

"Yes, but please work on your stutter so your voice sounds better when you speak," I advised.

"O-Okay, I'll try."

I explained that our first task was to introduce ourselves on camera, followed by sharing our favorite activities. We went to the living room, and since Luke was taller, he held my cellphone.

"Let's begin," I said.

Luke pressed the record button.

"Hello everyone! I'm Jayson Guevarra!"

"I'm Luke Bautista!"

We added our birthplaces and dates. Kathy suggested that Luke and I should stand closer to each other so it's evident that we truly know each other. I noticed Luke hesitated, but for the sake of our grade, he obliged. He stood next to me, and we reintroduced ourselves on camera.

He faced the camera and asked me,

"Let's start with you, Jayson. What places do you want to visit or what activities do you want to try?"

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