~Chapter 10: Avoidance- Jayson's POV~

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December has arrived, and we had a year-end party in 2022. Most of us attended and brought food. They played various parlor games. I didn't join because I knew I'd get tired quickly and might feel dizzy again, like before. I looked at Luke and noticed that he was enjoying himself. But I sensed that he was avoiding me.

"I'll head home first," I told one of my classmates.

"What about your gift?" she asked.

Oh right, we still had an exchange gift. I didn't expect that I'd be giving a gift to Luke. I approached him and handed over my gift, which contained some clothes. Luckily, they were men's clothes, as I might draw a male name.

"Th-thank you," he said.

Someone also gave me a gift, and I thanked them. In truth, I didn't enjoy the party much because I felt shy playing games with others and was feeling warm.


The new year finally came, and school is about to start. I didn't do much on New Year's Eve except sleep, while my siblings and Kathy enjoyed the celebration.

When I entered our classroom on the first day of school, I noticed that Luke was there early, and he briefly glanced at me. I sat down, took out my notebooks and notes for review since our first-semester exams were coming up.

"Jayson!" Kathy shouted from outside the classroom.


What was she doing outside? Did she have something to say?

I went out and asked her if she needed to tell me something.

"What time will your exams end?" she asked.

"I don't even know the exact time," I replied.

She said she'd go back to her classroom, and I returned to my seat. A few minutes later, our adviser entered, holding the examination papers. She rearranged the seats to prevent cheating during the exams.

After a while, our adviser instructed us to hide all our notebooks and pass our cellphones to the front to prevent cheating. Once we'd done that, we began our exams.


Finally, our exams for the day are over, and our adviser mentioned that we'd continue with exams for other subjects tomorrow. I looked at Luke, and I caught him glancing at me. But when he noticed I saw him, he quickly looked away.

A few minutes later, Kathy arrived.

"Jayson! If you want, let's go to Baguio?"

"Baguio? But I need to go home soon because I still have to buy medicine," I replied.

"Okay, let's buy the medicine first, then we can visit your house. I also want to see grandma," she said.

As we walked out of the school campus, I noticed Luke standing as if waiting for someone. I approached him and asked,

"Luke, are you waiting for someone?"

"Luke? Hey, Luke," I said.

He raised an eyebrow, deliberately ignoring my call.

"Are you waiting for someone?" I asked again.

"Vi-Vincent," he replied.

I noticed he avoided looking at me and kept his gaze elsewhere. I decided not to prolong the conversation and bid him goodbye, saying I'd head home first.

As Kathy and I walked towards Acop, she said,

"I've already noticed it earlier when you talked to him, Jay."

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