~Chapter 09: Spark- Jayson's POV~

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I had breakfast before leaving the house. I told Louie to watch over Lola and Maddie and to call only in case of an emergency.

When I arrived in Acop, the first person I saw was Vincent standing next to the pharmacy. I approached him and asked where Luke was.

"Why are you alone? Where's Luke?"

"Bro, he's still walking on the way here. Let's just wait," he replied.

After a few minutes, Luke arrived.

"S-Sorry I'm late, Ja-Jayson."

I assured him it was okay, and we headed to the jeepney stop since transportation is scarce when there's no school. Luckily, a jeepney stopped quickly, but there were only two vacant seats.

"Sit on each other's thighs," the driver said.

With no other choice, I sat on Luke's thigh, and the jeepney started moving. I wasn't heavy, so Luke didn't have trouble moving.

Suddenly, the jeepney abruptly stopped, and I lost my balance, almost falling because I wasn't holding onto anything. I felt Luke's hand wrap around my body, holding me tightly.

"H-Hold on, Ja-Jayson," he whispered.

His warm breath near my ear made my body tingle even more.

When we got off, I immediately bought water. I messaged Kathy that we were outside her house.

"Bro, Kathyrene's house is huge," Vincent commented.

I knocked on the door, and Kathy welcomed us inside.

"Come in, Jay. You guys too," she said.

We sat on the sofa, and I asked Kathy how her bruises were.

"They're okay now, the pain has subsided."

She asked about my conversation with Nathalie.

"Kathy, can we talk in the kitchen?" I asked.

In the kitchen, I shared everything that happened and what Nathalie said.

"Excuse me?! Did she say she wanted to date you? She's good at making up stories. You're my best friend, and that's it. I have standards too," Kathy exclaimed.

"You're too strict with your standards," I teased.

We laughed, and then we heard Vincent's voice from the living room, asking what was going on.

"Nothing!" Kathy shouted.

"I'll make them coffee," I said.

"What should I do?"

"Go join them and chat. Don't be shy around Vincent. I noticed he's concerned about you," I advised.

Kathy chuckled and patted my back. She left for the living room, and soon, I heard their laughter.

I brought the coffee to the living room. Kathy handed Vincent a cup.

I was about to give Luke his coffee when our fingers touched, and I felt a spark run through my body. Startled, I dropped the cup, and it shattered on the floor.

"Ar-Are you ok-okay?" Luke asked.

I picked up the broken pieces.

"Jay! Don't pick it up, you might get hurt," Kathy said.

A house helper cleaned up the mess while I washed my hands in the bathroom.

As I looked at myself in the mirror, I wondered,

"What was that, Jayson? Why did I feel a spark earlier?"

Exiting the bathroom, I found Kathy in the living room, but Luke and Vincent were outside.

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