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I remember the last day my parents left me to work in another country. I was five years old at that time.

During my elementary years, I didn't get to be with them. Only my grandma accompanied me during our graduation. But I did make a friend and her name was Kathyrene Federico. We became close friends and always played together during recess outside the classroom.

Unfortunately, Kathyrene's parents had an accident, leaving her an orphan. However, she had companions at home, the household helpers. I don't recall all the details because I was still young. Sometimes, Kathyrene visited our house to play with me, and we both enrolled in Tublay National High School as junior high school students.


When I turned 14, my parents returned to the country after nine years. It was then that I discovered I had new siblings. Louie was the second child, only two years younger than me. My youngest sibling, Madeleine, was a seven-year-old girl.

"Mom, are you leaving again?" I asked.

"Yes, my dear. We're currently busy as Managing Directors in London," she replied.

"Can you take me with you?"

Dad approached, knelt in front of me, and gently held my shoulder. He said,

"Son, we'd love to take you with us, but Mommy and I we're very busy."

"That's not fair! Will you come back here to leave my siblings?" I protested.

"Don't worry, Jayson. When your Mom and I have time, we'll take you there," Dad assured me.

Mom also stepped forward and said, "Jayson, can you promise us that you'll take care of your siblings? They already know about their older brother, so there's no need to be shy."

They hugged me tightly, then left with their luggage because they were returning to London.

"Kuya Jayson! Can we play?" Madeleine immediately asked me.

"Are you Madeleine? Your name is quite long... Can I just call you Maddie?" I inquired.

"Okay, Kuya!"

While Maddie played with her Barbie dolls, I noticed that Louie had no playmate, his toys were all cars.

I called him to join Maddie and me in our game. Fortunately, he approached willingly, and I told him,

"Louie, don't be shy around Kuya."

"Okay," he replied.

He joined us and played along. Even though I wouldn't be with my parents again, I had my siblings and grandma by my side.


My siblings were enrolled in a different school, not the same one where I attended as a junior high school student. Grandm picked them up while Kathy and I commuted home.

Every school year, I received a certificate of recognition as an honor student, and grandma was always there with me at the front.

But I remember the day when Kathyrene didn't come to school because she was sick. On that same day, someone bullied me because I wasn't tall and was still small. It escalated into a heated argument, and I ended up crying because of their hurtful words.

"Jayson's crying! Hahaha! He's going to tell his parents!"

"Yeah, right! But they're not here! HAHAHA!"

I was left crying on the staircase outside our classroom since our building had two floors.

Then, someone handed me a handkerchief.

"L-Let them be. Their behavior is aw-awful," said by a chubby male student.

I took the handkerchief but avoided looking at him directly because I felt embarrassed. Just then, the bell rang, and I wanted to thank him, but he quickly left after a girl called him.


Kathyrene and I were already in Grade 10, and our moving-up ceremony was approaching, the final year of our junior high school. I had grown taller, surpassing Kathyrene's height and that of my other classmates.

"Kathyrene, which senior high school are you planning to attend?" I asked.

"Uhmm... maybe here," she replied.

"I'll also finish my studies here before going to college," I said.

On the day of our moving-up ceremony, I hoped my parents would be there, but they weren't. Grandma and my siblings came to watch, and I knew grandma would stand by my side again.

"Our Certificate of Recognition is awarded to Jayson Guevarra. With High Honor, with an average of 95 during the school year 2021-2022!" announced by our adviser on the stage.

It's a shame my parents won't witness the awards I receive at school. But I'll continue to do my best to make them proud when they return to the country.


It was already enrollment day at Tublay National High School for incoming Senior High School students has arrived, and Kathyrene and I have decided to take the Humanities and Social Sciences strand.

While waiting in line, I noticed a handkerchief on the ground. I picked it up and looked around to find its owner, but no one claimed it. The initials "L.B." were embroidered on it.

I decided to hold onto it temporarily, hoping the owner might return to look for it. However, when no one came forward, I took it home, washed it, and stashed it away in my cabinet.

"Finally, Jay! We're already enrolled!" Kathyrene exclaimed.

"Yes, Kathyrene, by the way, can I call you 'Kathy' from this moment on?" I replied.

"It's fine, bestie."

"Bestie?" I asked.

"Yeah, since we're already close friends, I can call you whatever I want. Duhhh."

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