~Chapter 19: Seatmates- Dual POV~

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Note: Both Luke and Jayson’s POV will be in this chapter. Continue reading carefully, thanks!


"It's our first day as Grade 12 students at TNHS, and Vincent and I searched for our classroom together. We explored the first floor of the building but still couldn't find our names.

When we went to the second floor, we saw our names on a paper attached to the classroom door.

"Bro! We're classmates!"

"Yeah! I have company now!"

Other students also arrived to check their sections. I couldn't see the other names on the doors because more students came in. Vincent and I sat at the back near the window. New students entered, and I knew they weren't my classmates from Grade 11.

"Bro, there are so many new faces in this class," Vincent whispered.

After a few minutes, our former Grade 11 adviser, Ma'am Irene, entered the room.

"Good morning, class. It seems some of your classmates haven't arrived yet," she said.

While waiting for the others, I looked out the window. Then I heard Ma'am Irene speak again.

"For now, you can choose your own seats, but tomorrow we'll have assigned seating. Get to know your classmates."

"Bro, I hope we sit next to each other, hahaha."

"Hopefully," I replied.

Ma'am Irene reintroduced herself to students she hadn't taught before. Less than a minute into her introduction, Kathyrene, Jayson's friend, walked in.

She sat in front of Vincent and immediately said to him,

"You didn't even wait for me, so we could go together. Typical guy."

I greeted her, and when she looked at me, she said,

"Hi Luke, how are you? After what you said to my friend, you're still smiling in front of me."

"I-I'm sorry," I stammered.

She told me I should apologize to Jayson instead of her. Ma'am Irene then called the three of us and asked what we were discussing.

"First thing in the morning, you guys are already noisy back there."

Throughout the day, we only introduced ourselves to our subject teachers. After dismissal, I asked Vincent if he was walking to Acop with me. He apologized, saying he needed to accompany Kathy for a quick errand, so I walked to Acop alone.

I chuckled, surprised that Vincent and Kathyrene became a couple. As I walked, I noticed a familiar face not far away.

"If I'm not mistaken, that's Nathalie," I thought to myself.

She wore a different school uniform, so maybe she transferred schools. I was still upset with her for what happened in the past, but there was nothing I could do about it.

Suddenly, I wondered if I had seen Jayson today. Perhaps he was in a different section, and that's why I didn't spot him in the corridors.


I woke up early and headed to the bathroom to wash my face with cold water. When I stepped out, I put on our school uniform. I boiled water for coffee, knowing Mom would want some.

"Sis, check if the water's hot! I'll leave first."

I left the house with slightly damp hair and made my way to the classroom, sitting in the back where Vincent and I sat yesterday. It was almost half an hour before Vincent arrived.

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