~Chapter 15: So Long- Jayson's POV~

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The day of our after-party has finally arrived, but our adviser couldn't make it because she was busy finalizing our grades. However, my classmates brought food for them.

"Guys, what's a fun game to play?" shouted by one of my classmates.

While they were deciding on a game, I sat on the side, looking out the window. I felt bored and wanted to go home, but Luke was there, and I wanted to see him before the school year ended.

They started playing truth or dare. I didn't join because I was busy listening to music on my headphones while gazing outside. My classmates called me to participate, so I reluctantly joined.

Luke sat next to me on the floor, and another classmate grabbed a bottle and spun it. The bottle pointed at me, and they asked if I wanted truth or dare.

"Truth," I said.

"How boring," commented by one of my classmates.

"Okay, Jayson, do you have a crush in this classroom?" asked by my girl classmate.

I glanced briefly at Luke and stammered,


I spun the bottle again, and this time it landed on Nathalie. She chose truth.

"Nathalie, is there something you want to confess or share with everyone right now?" another classmate asked.

"Actually, yes," Nathalie replied.

"What is it, Nathalie?"

Nathalie stood up and turned on the classroom's smart TV. She played a video, and to my surprise, it was the footage Luke and I had taken inside the ferris wheel cabin. She cranked up the volume so everyone could hear. I looked around, and all my classmates, including Luke, were watching.

"You will never believe what Jayson said to Luke! HAHAHAHAH."

"Nathalie, can you please stop the video?" I pleaded.

Nathalie ignored my request, and I heard my own confession to Luke blaring from the TV. My boy classmates burst into laughter. I glanced at Luke, who was surrounded by classmates teasing him.

"So, Jayson, you like boys?" one of my classmates shouted.

Their laughter echoed, especially when they saw Luke hugging me in the video. I begged Nathalie to turn off the TV, but she refused.

"So who's embarrassed now?" Nathalie taunted me.

I yanked the TV's power cord, finally stopping the video. The boys continued laughing, while some of the girls whispered among themselves.

I saw Luke leave, and I immediately followed him. I heard Nathalie's voice again,

"Fag! Fag! Fag!"

I caught up with Luke on the side of the road, waiting for a jeepney ride home. I approached him and spoke right away.

"Luke, I'm sorry. I didn't know Nathalie would do that."

"So-sorry?! She embarrassed me in front of the class! Why do you have tha-that video?! Why?"

I explained to him that the incident inside the cabin was captured on video, but I didn't include it in our vlog.

"But why does Nath-Nathalie have it?"

"I don't know either! Maybe, yes, I think I know! Perhaps she put the video on her phone because the other day, my phone went missing, and she was the one I found holding it," I said.

Nathalie's voice interrupted us again,

"They're arguing! Ahhahaha, what a couple! Ahhaha."

Apparently, Nathalie and others had followed us, witnessing our conversation.

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