~Chapter 02: Crush?- Jayson's POV~

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"We-we're classmates," he said. Amid my intense focus on Nathalie, I hadn't realized that he was my classmate.

"Ah, I'm sorry I didn't notice you."

We stood there on the side of the road for several minutes. I felt embarrassed because she was holding the umbrella. Just as I was about to leave, a jeep arrived, and I finally had a way home. In my haste to board the jeep, it hit on me that I hadn't even introduced myself or thanked him.

The next day, I sought him out to express my gratitude. I found him in a corner of the classroom, holding his cellphone. I hesitated to approach him, fearing his friends might misinterpret my intentions if I gave him the homemade chocolates I had prepared as a gift.

"Luke, by the way," I said.

I was still embarrassed about my abrupt departure the previous day without saying goodbye.

"Thanks for yesterday," I said, handing him the gift, neatly wrapped in a box. A faint smile appeared on his face.

"Oh, it's no-nothing," he replied.

As I turned to leave, I was taken aback to find Nathalie standing right in front of me. I couldn't meet her gaze, my cheeks were turning red.

"It's you Nathalie," I stammered.

She didn't say anything but simply smiled. I noticed our classmates stealing glances at us what a situation!

Nathalie stepped closer and whispered words that made my face blush even more,

"You're so cute, Jayson," I felt the warmth of her breath, which prompted me to step outside and catch my breath.

As lunchtime approached, I waited for Kathy, but when I glanced toward the corner of the classroom, I saw Luke sitting there. I approached him and asked if he, too, was waiting for someone.

It's just the two of us were left waiting in the classroom, waiting for our companions. I wondered what Nathalie was doing, whether she was eating alone. As I daydreamed, I heard someone calling my name. Was it Nathalie? To my surprise, it was Luke who had been calling me.

"I-I'll go ahead. Vincent and the others are already here a-and I'll join you later."

I'm the only one waiting. Why was that girl taking so long? She moves like a tortoise but ate like a monster.

I decided to look for her since she was taking forever. I found her sitting in the canteen. I approached her and asked why she hadn't gone to the classroom. I noticed her raised eyebrows.

"Kathy, are you okay?"

"You can see that I have this facial expression, ugh."

I immediately asked her what was wrong, and she explained,

"It's that guy Vincent! He stole our spot the other day. How audacious of him to order me around like a maid, asking me to clean up the spilled vinegar because I accidentally bumped into him."

I told her it was equally their fault, so it was fair.

"Once I see Vincent, I'll make him clean up too! How dare he humiliate me like that."

"Oh, Vincent? Luke's friend?"

"Who's Luke?"

I explained who Luke was and recounted what happened when I was with him yesterday.

"Really? That's so kind and a little romantic. I'd like to experience that too," she said. Thankfully, her annoyance had disappeared. But suddenly, her gaze shifted behind me.

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