~Chapter 16: Confused- Luke's POV~

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Note: Luke's POV will sometimes return to the past and present. It will take time but please read it carefully thanks!


After that incident, I immediately went to Vincent to tell him what happened. I couldn't believe Nathalie did that. Because of her, I uttered hurtful words to Jayson. I know he was hurt by what I said because I saw him crying.

"Bro, you were really harsh with the words you used," Vincent said.

"Because I thought it would help him avoid being approached by those idiotic classmates of mine."

"Bro, but did it really help?"

I knew it wouldn't help because I practically embarrassed Jayson myself. I was so angry at Nathalie for crossing the line and humiliating both of us. I wanted to go back and apologize to Jayson. I wanted to hug him and say the word "forgive me."

"I'll go home first, Vincent."

When I got home, I immediately unfriended Jayson on Facebook because if our classmates saw that we were friends, they'd tease both of us. I didn't want to do it, but I felt like I had to.

"Sorry, Jayson."

It hurt to say those words in front of him. I went to the gym to try to forget what happened earlier until Jayson's friend Kathyrene called.

"Hey, you jerk! You hurt him so much! I know you said those things to protect him from being fooled, but you should have chosen your words more carefully! You messed up!"

"Just tell him I'm sorry," I replied.

"You should tell him personally! Don't be tongue-tied when you talk to him! I know you're confused about whether you like him, but please!"

Kathyrene was right. I was torn about my feelings for Jayson. When he confessed, I didn't know how to respond, and I wasn't sure if what I was feeling was right. With all the girls who've confessed to me, I've always known their intentions. But with Jayson, it's different.

I never expected that another guy would like me, so I don't know how to react. Since we started talking, I've felt something unique that I can't explain. He's great to talk to, and I have so much I want to say to him, but nervousness always gets the best of me when we talk.

"I don't like him, but why does it hurt so much to see him cry?"

I called Vincent again to accompany me to the gym. I needed to ask him what I should do. When he arrived, I immediately asked him for advice.

"Bro, are you concerned? Do you also like him?"

"I don't know. But I know I was wrong with what I said and did," I replied.

"Bro, I know girls are chasing after you because of your looks, but I'm not sure if Jayson has the same intentions."

"That's the part I don't know, but I feel comfortable around him."

"Bro, not everyone in the LGBTQ community is a pervert. There are good people who don't harm others," Vincent added.

I know Jayson isn't like that. But I just want to understand my feelings for him. I want to talk to him about what happened. I want to see him. I asked Vincent if he had talked to Kathyrene, and he said yes. I asked for his favor to help me talk to Jayson.

Later, Kathyrene called me, and I immediately asked if she could help me talk to Jayson.

"Luke, you're such an idiot! You even asked Vincent to help you talk to my best friend. Sorry, but he still wants to be alone."

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