~Chapter 26: TNHS Graduates- Jayson's POV~

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I can't forget that I kissed Luke in front of many people. I was happy because some supported us that day, and I don't care about the students who weren't pleased. What matters is that there are people who accept us, regardless of our gender.

The whole night, I wondered about his reaction when I kissed him suddenly. Maybe he was annoyed by my actions? I know it was unexpected, so his reaction might have been too. But the question is, did he like it?

"What, Kuya? You kissed Kuya Luke? In front of many people?" Louie suddenly asked.

"Did you hear it?!"

"Of course, Kuya. Your voice is so loud that we could even hear it, and it reached the living room," he replied.

"Wow, Louie, when did you become fluent in speaking Tagalog?" I asked.

He said he learned because most of their classmates speak Tagalog, so he picked it up.

"Well, it's good that you're learning," I said.

I asked him if Maddie and grandma heard what I said about kissing Luke, and he said they didn't because they were outside. I breathed a sigh of relief and told him not to tell anyone what he heard. He just laughed and teased me, so I chased him inside the house until I caught him and playfully tickled him. He managed to escape my grasp and quickly ran out.

When I stepped outside, I found Luke talking to grandma. As soon as he saw me, he smiled, carrying a bag of fruits. After their conversation, we all went inside.

"What are you doing here, Luke? Did you come for a visit?" I asked.

"I wanted to visit you all, so I bought some fruits, and my mother also sent vegetables. I couldn't help but come," he replied.

I thanked him, and grandma asked how we were doing at school. We assured her that everything was fine and there weren't many problems.

Grandma joined our conversation, knowing about Luke and me. We talked for hours, and during dinner, grandma reminded us to be careful with our actions, which we agreed to.

After dinner, Luke said he needed to go home. I asked if he wanted to stay here, but he said he had something to take care of the next day. I understood, so I asked him directly.

"What was that, Jayson?"

"On that day, I just want to say I'm sorry for suddenly kissing you-"

He didn't let me finish and said,

"Don't worry, no problem."

"Did you like it?"

He laughed, hugged me, and whispered that he did. I was delighted, so I kissed his cheek again before he left.

It's Monday, and when we entered the classroom, our adviser made an announcement.

"Okay, class, your togas are ready. Please get one and prepare for the upcoming graduation ceremony on Wednesday this week," Ma'am Irene said.

After getting our togas, some classmates approached me.

"Jayson, how did you and Luke become a couple?"

"Actually, it's kind of funny if I answer your questions. In short, I confessed first, and he didn't pay attention, but later on, he also confessed simple as that," I replied to my classmate's inquiry.

A few minutes ago, Luke approached me and whispered that he had something to tell me later at the Hideaway Café. I asked what it was, and he replied,

"You'll find out when we're there."

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