~Chapter 03: Faint- Jayson's POV~

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I feel like someone is lifting me, but I can't fully open my eyes to see who it is. My whole body feels numb and weak. As I opened my eyes, the first face that greeted me was,


"It's me, Kathy! You're awake now, Jayson! Nurse!"

The nurse Kathy had called arrived promptly and asked if I still felt any pain or weakness in my body. I replied that I didn't, but I knew my body was still weak. After gathering additional details, the nurse left the room.

I tried to sit up and stand, but my body wasn't ready yet.

"Jayson, you should rest your body first," Kathy advised.

I immediately asked her who brought me to this clinic. But she didn't answer, she just said that the important thing was that I was awake. Oh yes, where's Luke?

I asked Kathy where Luke was, but she hadn't seen him. So we waited for the nurse to return to find out if I could go home.

When the nurse returned, she said, "Hello, I am here to tell you that if you feel weak again, just take these tablets. They will help you feel less numb and prevent fainting."

Kathy prepared my things, and we walked out of the clinic, where we ran into Luke and his friend Vincent.

"Luke? Vincent? What are you doing here?" I asked them both because they were standing outside the clinic.

Kathy quickly answered, "Jay, it was them who brought you to the clinic, and they contacted me using your phone, so that's why I'm here."

"I approached them and thanked them for what they did, especially for waiting until I woke up to ensure that I was feeling okay. That's when Luke came over and said,

"U-uh w-we'll go ahead, Jayson. Let's talk about the project to-tomorrow. Rest for now."

After they bid their farewells, Kathy and I decided to go home since it was getting late, and we might run out of transportation options. But Kathy insisted that we shouldn't take a jeepney. She started looking for a taxi to take us home. I tried to convince her that waiting for a jeepney would be fine, but she wouldn't agree.

"You need to go home right away, Jay, so you can rest. I don't want you getting tired again, and we don't know if you might suddenly feel dizzy. Let me get a taxi for both of us," she said.


The next day, despite what happened, I forced myself to go to school. As I entered the classroom, Nathalie greeted me and held my right hand.

"Jayson! You're here! How are you? I heard what happened yesterday, and I'm sorry it was my fault that you got exhausted," she said.

I assured her that it wasn't her fault, and because of her actions, people were once again assuming that we were a couple. I felt happy about it, but I wanted their assumptions to be true. Whenever I gazed at her for a long time, my heart starts to beat faster. I noticed that other guys in the classroom looked at us disapprovingly when we were close. It couldn't be denied that she was the campus crush among the senior high school students this year.

I let them be and kept my gaze fixed on Nathalie.

It was time for our P.E. class, but instead of sports activities, we were going to apply the use of a first aid kit and proper rescue techniques in case of accidents, as emergency medical technicians.

"Okay class! Start forming your groups! Maximum of 5," Sir announced.

Nathalie immediately pulled me to be part of her group, but we still needed one more member. That's when I thought about whether Luke had a group. I approached him and asked if he had a team, but he didn't respond. We called Luke over to join our group, and he agreed. That's when Sir gave us instructions.

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