~Chapter 24: Reveal- Jayson's POV~

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Luke and I didn't expect to have Vincent and Kathy infront of us.

"What are you guys doing here, just the two of you?" Kathy asked.

"I just happened to pass by and saw Luke, so I asked him what he was doing here. Right, Luke?"

"Y-Yes, that's correct," Luke replied.

Vincent suddenly approached Luke and said, "Bro, did you think I didn't notice? You haven't been hanging out with us much in the past few weeks."

Luke responded, "I've been busy, Vincent."

While Vincent was talking to Luke, Kathy approached me and asked,

"Tell me the truth, Jay. I've noticed that we haven't been talking much, and it's concerning. Why are you avoiding us?"

"It's not like that, but I've been preoccupied with a lot of things," I replied.

A staff member from the pizza restaurant interrupted, saying, "You both forgot your change."

Vincent and Kathy glanced at me. The atmosphere grew tense, and that's when Luke began to speak.

"We just wanted to-"

"Shush! Jay, don't tell me that all these weeks or months, the only thing on your mind has been this guy?" Kathy interrupted.

Luke held my hand, giving me the courage to speak up.

"To be honest, we've been secretly seeing each other for almost a few months now. Luke and I started trying things out to see if our feelings would work out, and now we're serious. We're dating."

Kathy approached me and asked why we needed to keep our relationship a secret at school.

"We don't want a repeat of what happened in grade 11. We'd like to keep our relationship private until the end of the school year," I explained.

Kathy responded, "We understand that. We know there are people who might not accept this kind of relationship, but we're your close friends. You could have told us."

I apologized to Kathy and hugged her. Meanwhile, Luke approached Vincent to apologize.

"Bro, what about our gym workouts? Do you still have time?"

"Don't worry, Vincent. Both Jayson and I go to the gym, so we can still work out together."

We learned that Kathy and Vincent came to the pizza restaurant because Hideaway Café was closed. Kathy invited us to eat inside, but I explained that Luke and I had just finished eating.

"Just join us anyway. You both have a lot to explain," Kathy suggested.

Before we go home, the four of us discussed what had happened. Initially, Vincent and Kathy were puzzled about how Luke and I became a couple. We shared how we had been quietly getting to know each other at school, unsure of how to navigate our feelings. We were both too shy to talk openly about it.

"So, the context is that both of you were unsure why you liked each other. The funny thing is, you were both straight at first? No offense, but how did you become a couple?" Kathy asked.

"Bro, I'm curious too," Vincent added.

"I don't know why we fell for each other. But I started liking Luke because he's serious, even though he seems quiet or nonchalant. When I saw his protective side, I admired him even more," I explained.

"For me, I realized that I had feelings for Jayson when our school year ended in grade 11. During our vlog, I made sure to confirm my emotions for him. Now, whenever I see him, I can't help but fall for him even more," Luke said.

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