~Chapter 25: Seniors' Ball- Luke's POV~

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"Why is Jayson here? What is he doing in the clinic, and why is he with my mother?"

"Jayson? What are you doing here?" I asked.

He approached me and hugged me right in front of my mother. Just then, father and my sister entered the clinic and caught us embracing.

"Luke, what does this mean?" Father asked me immediately.

I faced him and said, "Dad, sis. Jayson. He's the one I'm referring to."

"Didn't you understand what we said before? We don't have a gay son!"

His voice almost raised as I tried to calm him down. Jayson spoke up and asked father to calm down.

"Don't interfere! How dare you come here!" he snapped at Jayson.

A nurse arrived and asked what was happening, and that's when mother started speaking.

"What's all this noise? Aren't you ashamed? Jayson is the reason I rushed to the clinic. He helped me and stayed by my side when I was unconscious earlier! He's kind. We made a mistake; he's a good person."

I noticed that father seemed calmer now, and he apologized to Jayson.

"It's okay, Uncle. You have the right to be angry," Jayson said.

We approached mother and asked how she was doing. I saw Jayson leave the clinic. I followed him and asked where he was going.

"I'm going home. Stay with Auntie for now," he replied.

Shortly after, my sister called both Jayson and me inside. My parents wanted to talk to us. I felt nervous, but Jayson held my hand, reassuring me.

"Remember, Luke, whatever they say, we'll face it together," he said.

As we entered, Jayson and I approached my parents.

"Son, I hope you can forgive me," father said.

"Why are you asking for forgiveness?"

Father came closer to me and said, "Because I didn't understand at first. We judged you too quickly, and we were wrong. I just want to say that if this is what you want, we won't interfere with your mom anymore. Whoever you are, we'll accept you."

I hugged him and thanked him. Then father turned to Jayson.

"Are you Jayson?"

"Yes, Uncle."

"Luke's mom was right. You're handsome up close, which is probably why my son fell for you," father said.

"Actually, Uncle, I was the one who fell for Luke first."

He spoke seriously to Jayson, and I felt a bit anxious, wondering if father would say something hurtful.

"Take care of our youngest," father said.

"Yes, Uncle. I'll make sure that even though he's the one always taking care of me, I'll also take care of him," Jayson replied.

Father invited Jayson to have dinner at our house. Jayson agreed, and Papa was pleased. Mother was allowed to go home, so we all left together.

When we arrived home, my sister prepared our dinner. She asked me,

"Luke, can I ask you something? What do you like about Jayson?"


"Nothing. It's a shame that both of you are handsome, and you're both looking for guys. If I were you, I'd have plenty of girls chasing after me," she teased.

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