~Chapter 21: Settled- Luke's POV~

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The exams for the first quarter of this school year are over. I've been ignoring Jayson because no matter what I do, he always distances himself. I talked to his friend Kathyrene to try to engage with Jayson, but both of us are being avoided. He acknowledges us occasionally, but only rarely.

Next week, we'll start the second quarter of our first semester, and I decided to go to the gym. I noticed Jayson leaving the gym where Vincent and I usually work out.

"What is he doing there?" I wondered.

When I got off the jeep, he suddenly disappeared. I thought he went back inside, but I was mistaken. He had already left.

"Is he working out?"

I didn't expect Jayson to go to the gym. I started my warm-up and then began bench pressing. I spent nearly two hours inside.

I was about to head home when my sister called.

"Why did you call, sis?"

"Luke, are you still in La Trinidad?"

"Yes," I replied.

My sister asked me to buy ingredients for our dinner since she hadn't arrived home yet. Our parents were busy with work, so they couldn't cook tonight. I bought the ingredients for pork sinigang.

It was late by the time I finally got home. As soon as I entered, I found my sister and parents already there. I started cooking right away, and luckily, they arrived just in time.


The second quarter has begun. Some of our subject teachers assigned various performance tasks, such as painting, filming, and skits. There are times when Jayson and I are in the same group, and I'm happy about that.

However, I've noticed that he still avoids talking to me intentionally. It's frustrating because no matter what I do, he manages to escape or avoid me.

I excused myself from Kathyrene and Vincent, saying I had something to do. I waited for Jayson to leave the classroom. When everyone was gone, he closed the door and started descending the stairs.


He looked at me, and I could tell he wanted to distance himself further. I was about to approach him when he suddenly quickened his pace. I couldn't let him leave without talking to him.

I caught up with him and gently held his left arm.

"Jayson, let's talk," I said.

"Ouch, your grip hurts, Luke. Your hand is too strong. Let go," he replied.

I immediately apologized and released him.

"Jayson, please, let's talk."

"Fine, what do you want to say?" he asked.

"About what happened before. The incident-"

He interrupted me.

"About that, Luke, I forgive you. I understand that both of us were under pressure at that time, which led to what you said."

"Yes, Jayson, but I hurt you that day. I know you cried because of it, and I still don't understand why I said those things."

"Wait, who said I cried?"

"It doesn't matter, but I want to clarify that what I said wasn't true. I only said it because I didn't want to be ridiculed by our peers or embarrassed," I explained, looking into his eyes."

He suddenly fell silent and didn't respond to what I said. I was taken aback when he started walking away from me.

"Wait, Jayson! I'm not done yet."

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