~Chapter 11: Debut- Jayson's POV~

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Upon arriving in Baguio City, we immediately headed to SM Baguio for Kathy to buy some clothes.

"Kathy, are you sure? Do you have money with you?" I asked.

"Yes, of course. I brought some," she replied.

We entered a store selling branded clothes, and Kathy quickly picked out elegant outfits to purchase.

"Kathy, you've chosen quite a lot of clothes," I said.

"It's okay. I can still afford these," she assured me.

We inquired about the total cost of the clothes Kathy had selected.

"Ma'am, the total cost of the items you've chosen is 8,450 pesos," said the lady at the counter.

"8k?! Kathy, do you have enough to pay for them?"

"Don't worry, Jay," Kathy replied.

She took out the cash she had and paid for the clothes. As we left, I immediately asked her where she got the money to pay for them.

"It's complicated to explain, but the money comes from my parents' inheritance," she explained.

"Did you get it already?"

"About the will my parents left, I can only claim it fully when I turn 18, and the best news is that it's happening next week. That's why I bought some clothes."

"Advanced Happy Birthday, Kathy," I said.

She invited me to her birthday celebration next week and suggested bringing grandma and my siblings. I agreed since we had no classes during the upcoming semestral break. I asked Kathy if she planned to have a debut, but she replied,

"I think not. I just want it to be us, grandma, Louie, and Maddie celebrating."

"Are you sure? Don't you want an elegant debut?"

"Let's say I have the money for an elegant debut, but it wouldn't be worth it if I'm the only one preparing," she explained.

That's when I decided to surprise her with a simple debut experience, even though she didn't know about it.

As darkness approached, we decided to head home. Kathy quickly found a taxi. Sitting in the back, I contemplated how to surprise Kathy with a simple debut.

"Kathy, what are your plans for your 18th birthday?" I asked.

"I already told you, right?"

"But don't you want to invite others?"

She burst into laughter at my comment and said,

"I know what you mean. You want me to invite them? Vincent and Luke? Hahaha."

"Hey! That's not my point," I replied.

I put on my headphones and listened to Taylor Swift's song while looking out the window.

I still wondered why Luke was avoiding me. I messaged him, but he hadn't responded, as if he was intentionally ghosting me. I took a photo of the view we passed by and immediately posted it on Facebook. A few minutes later, Luke viewed my story. I felt a bit happy that he was still checking my updates.


We arrived in front of the house, and Kathy said goodbye because she had something to attend to. I went inside and found everyone asleep.

"It's already 10:45," I said.

I entered my room, changed my clothes, and lay down. I checked my Facebook story again and deleted it since I knew Luke had seen it.

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