~Chapter 17: London- Jayson's POV~

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While I was looking out of the large window, a tall male hotel employee entered and asked what I wanted to eat. I almost replied in Tagalog, but luckily I said,

"Any would do."

The employee left, and I examined the room I had entered. It was spacious, with a large bed, a clean bathroom, and even a shower. Everything you might need in the bathroom was provided, including shampoo, conditioner, skincare products, and more.

"I wonder how much they charge here?"

Shortly after, there was a knock on the door, and when I opened it, the hotel employee returned with the food I had ordered. He mentioned the name of the dish he brought, but he spoke so quickly that I couldn't repeat it. As far as I knew, it included steak and desserts.

"No rice?" I asked.

"If you want rice, sir, we will bring it here," he replied.

I requested rice, and the employee quickly returned with it.

"Thank you," I said.

"It's an honor, Sir Guevarra," he responded.

I found it curious because since we arrived, I noticed other employees glancing at me and whispering. There was nothing particularly remarkable about my appearance.

I decided to eat before brushing my teeth. The taste of the meal lingered even after I finished brushing.

A few minutes later, there was another knock on the door. The same employee returned to collect the dishes, but I had already washed them. He apologized for not doing his job properly.

"Sir, there's no need to apologize. It's okay, and don't worry I won't tell anyone," I assured him.

"But, Sir, your father will be mad," he said.

I learned that my parents owned this hotel, although they hadn't mentioned it, and perhaps they had different roles now.

"Thank you very much, Sir Guevarra."

"There's no need to say "sir." Just call me Jayson."

He thanked me and left the room. I immediately called Kathy and shared what had happened and what I discovered here in London.

"Kathy, do you know how handsome the employee was? Almost all the employees here are beautiful, and the men are handsome! HAHAHAH."

"It seems you've forgotten, HAHAHAH," she replied.

I remembered what she was referring to. I was about to respond when someone suddenly entered my room, so I quickly ended the call with Kathy.

"Jayson. Is that you, my child?" Dad asked.

I hugged Mom and Dad tightly, it had been years since I last saw them.

"You're already grown up!" Mama exclaimed.

They asked about life in the Philippines, and I assured them it was going well. I updated them on grandma's situation and my siblings. I also mentioned that Louie and Maddie didn't join me because they wanted to spend time with grandma at home.

"Don't worry, son. Your Dad and I will go to the Philippines if we're not too busy here."

"But Mom, when will you go there? I thought you'd come back with me."

Papa approached me and said, "Forgive us if we don't have much time for you and your siblings, but we'll try to make time."

After a few more minutes, they bid farewell, explaining they had other matters to attend to. They told me that if I wanted to explore London, I could ask the receptionist to arrange for someone to accompany me.

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