~Chapter 05: Short Argument- Jayson's POV~

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Nathalie sent a photo of the project they worked on, which was completely broken and scattered on the floor.

"Help, Jayson! Our presentation is not doing well. Can you come tomorrow?"

It was late at night, and this was the first thing she greeted me with. She didn't even ask if I had already made it home.

"I'll help you, but you all need to be cooperative," I replied.

"Thank you so much! You're a lifesaver!"

I just told her to get some rest so she could welcome me tomorrow in Acop. I was somewhat pleased because we've been chatting quite frequently.


The next morning, I went straight to Acop to wait for Nathalie, as she said she would meet me there.

After waiting for almost an hour, she arrived with her project partner, Lily.

We started riding a modified jeepney to La Trinidad.

We made a quick stop at a convenience store to buy more materials for their Mayon volcano model, and I paid for it since I knew it was for her.

"Thank you, Jayson, for treating me again," she said, holding my hand.

When we entered Nathalie's house, I was surprised by how spacious it was inside and antique items were visible all around.

"Nathalie, I'll work on your Mayon volcano model," I said. "Is it okay if I simplify it a bit? So that it can be finished early as possible."

"Really?! Jayson, you would do that? For us? Thank you so much!" she replied. They both jumped up and down, probably out of excitement.

"But Nathalie, you'll have to create your own explanation," I said as I began working. "I have other things to do."

They both nodded while watching videos on their cellphones. As I worked on their presentation, I remembered that I had forgotten to bring my medication.

I immediately asked Nathalie where their restroom was so I could try calling Kathy again. I had already called several times, but she hadn't answered until the fourth attempt.

"I apologize, Jay. I'm just dealing with some documents related to my inheritance."

I simply replied that it was fine and hung up, letting her sort out her paperwork.

"Why did I even call her?"

When I returned to the living room, Nathalie and Lily were nowhere to be found. I glanced out the window and noticed them talking, with me as the center of their conversation.

"Are you sure Jayson can finish that, Nathalie?"

"Yes, of course! He likes me, so why would I discard him if he's useful?"

"I don't know, Nathalie. If I were you, Jayson doesn't deserve what your group might do to him if they find out what you're up to," the other person said, prompting a quick retort from Nathalie.

"He won't be in trouble if he acts genuinely toward me."

I decided not to eavesdrop any further and returned to completing their project. I just wanted to go home and rest.

A whirlwind of emotions swirled within me as Nathalie and Lily returned just minutes ago. I couldn't fathom what they might have discussed about me.

Nathalie approached me, holding out a glass of orange juice.

"To keep yourself energized!" she said.

After an hour, I completed their project, and the two of them were overjoyed. They hugged me tightly and expressed their gratitude.

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