~Chapter 14: Confession- Jayson's POV~

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When we arrived at the entrance of Skyranch, we immediately paid 80 pesos per person, and Kathy covered the cost again. I approached her and whispered that she might be overly generous with treating us. She laughed and said, 'Don't worry, Jay. I still have plenty of money in my bag, so shhhh.'

"But Kathy-"

"Shush, let's just enjoy this outing," she replied.

We all rode the Vikings together, although initially, our two companions hesitated, fearing they might get dizzy or nauseous. Kathy and I laughed and assured them it was a one-time thing. Fortunately, they agreed. Kathy promptly paid for our tickets, and we took seats at the back. Luke and I sat side by side, and when the Vikings started ascending, we screamed because it was so high. I clung to Luke's arm, closing my eyes, while he laughed and shouted.

After a few minutes of the boat going up and down, I blurted out,

"Wow, I feel like I'm going to throw up from all this spinning."

They laughed again at my comment, and Vincent bought some water. Kathy asked if we wanted to ride the Ferris wheel.

"But Kathy, it's getting late. We might be stuck if we ride it now and then have to go home," I said.

"Last one! Vincent and I will ride together, and you and Luke can join us for your vlog," she insisted.

Vincent agreed, but when I looked at Luke, I could see he was nervous, maybe even afraid of heights.

"Luke, do you want to try it?"


Kathy got tickets for the Ferris wheel, and we boarded separate cabins. Luke and I faced each other, and I pressed the record button again, explaining our location in front of the camera. I positioned my phone by the window to capture both of us in the video.

We sat silently, looking outside. In my mind, I wanted to confess something to him.



"There's something I want to admit," I said.

I met his gaze and continued,

"Maybe you've noticed or already know. I have feelings for you. When I see you, my heart races. I feel comfortable when you're around. I know you're a guy, but I can't help but like you. Luke, it's okay if you reject me. It's okay if you avoid me but at least I've confessed."

He stared at me, seemingly at a loss for words. The situation felt awkwardly quiet.

"It's fine, Luke, if you don't say anything-"

"It's okay if you li-like me, and there won't be any problems. But I apo-apologize if I only see you as a friend, Jay-Jayson," he said, holding my hand.

"Well, you're not like me, liking both guys and girls, hahaha," I replied, but it still hurt that he only saw me as a friend.

Suddenly, the Ferris wheel stopped rotating, and the lights went out. We were stuck at the top of the ride.

"Power outage?!"


I panicked, hyperventilating, and said,

"What if we can't get down? What will happen Luke? Maybe it'll take a while before the Ferris wheel starts moving again! When will the power come back? How-"

The cabin jolted, and I felt Luke's warm embrace. He said,

"Don't worry, Jay-Jayson. I'm here. We'll be sa-safe. By the way, what per-perfume are you wearing? It smells nice."

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