~Chapter 04: Meet-up- Jayson's POV~

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"I heard Kathy's loud shout as she approached where I was.

The guys immediately scattered and seemed to pass by the building.

"Jayson, who are they?"

"Nothing, Kathy. They're just some friends passing by," I replied to her question.

I wanted to tell her what happened, but I didn't want to complicate the situation.

"Are you sure, Jay? It looked like they were talking to you when I was on my way here," she said.

I couldn't do anything, so I told Nathalie what happened. She then said to me,

"See, Jay? That's why I told you to stay away from Nathalie because you could still get into trouble. That's what I was trying to say."

I didn't know if I should listen to Kathy, but deep down, I knew I was falling for Nathalie. It seemed like Kathy couldn't do anything about it.

When I got home, I immediately went to my room. I checked if Nathalie was active on Facebook. I couldn't believe what I saw in her story. I smiled because she was wearing the matching bracelet she gave me.

The caption read, "Where's my match?"

I knew deep down that she was referring to me in that caption. I reacted with many heart emojis on her story, and that's when I gathered the courage to confess to her.

"Thank you, Nathalie, for the beautiful bracelet you gave me."

"You're welcome," she replied.

"There's something I want to confess," I replied, feeling extremely nervous that she might just laugh.

"What is it, Jayson?"

"I have feelings for you. I don't know how to explain this, but whenever I see you, I'm captivated by your beauty. I know you won't be interested in someone like me, a nerd, but I just wanted to express what I feel."

After sending that message, I immediately felt extreme nervousness and embarrassment. I flipped my cellphone over and hurriedly stepped outside to get some fresh air, even though it was already nighttime.

I spent several minutes outside until grandma called me, wondering what I was doing there. I simply told her I was getting some air and returned to my room.

There, I carefully picked up my cellphone and checked if Nathalie had replied,

"I appreciate it, Jayson. I like that you confessed your feelings towards me. Let's talk more about it this upcoming Saturday! Meet me at Torogi Restaurant around 10 AM."

I didn't know how to feel, should I be happy or overwhelmed with embarrassment? But in that moment, I was more focused on meeting Luke to start our project.

So, I messaged Luke, arranging a meetup for Saturday at 1 PM, and thankfully, he agreed. I made sure to get a good night's sleep because tomorrow, I'd see Nathalie.


When I woke up, I checked the time,

"6:40 already?"

Time seemed to slow, so I cleaned the living room, washed dishes, and then distracted myself by playing video games. But when I glanced at the clock again,


I'm home alone so I dozed off on the sofa out of sheer boredom. When I woke up, I couldn't believe it was,


I rushed to my room, changed into suitable clothes, and prepared to meet Nathalie. What did she want to tell me?

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