six: deal

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It is 7AM. And my alarm snoozed thrice. Sam will be here in 2 hours.

I go to my bedroom and Aunt Arma is folding her clothes.

"You look lazy. When I was 24 I would wake up at 5 to feed for my children and make breakfast for my husband. And you - you are not even a bit responsible!"

"Hey! Thats a lie you never married or had kids! And John - your supposed boyfriend suddenly left town on your 54rth birthday." I reply with a smirk on my face.

"Oh pftt" Aunt exclaims. "Your mother was the exact depiction of that" she insists.

"Aunt... ugh the world has changed since!"

"Yes of course it has. I can tell from people's fashion choices" She looks at my shirt again, and scans my outfit and rolls her eyes for the hundredth time she has been here.

"I am leaving for my flight now. Dont worry I ate some cereal when you were busy drooling over the sofa"

"I really appreciate you coming here. Do you want me to drop you off at the airport"

"No. Just please change, and pick up my calls!" she exclaims!

After a few minutes I head out to the parking of my apartment and hug Aunt Arma. She is wearing a black cardigan with a blue dress. She hugs me tightly.

She tells me,

"Darling, I miss your mother and I know you do. I know love has been this terrible concept for you. We all know about Sam. And it is okay darling. The past few months have been terrible- and I just want you to know that I am there for you. Your Aunt Arma is there to kiss you and hold you close. You can come meet me whenever you want to. And please, darling, remember, that love is this magical force which can bring two worlds together. Two worlds, which otherwise would have never met. And you darling, need to remember that love doesn't just happen. You need to fight for it. I never did, and I wish I had tried at least, Things just dont work out- you need to stand up and make things work. And-"

My eyes start watering before she finishes. I hug her tightly

"I miss my mom." I blurt out. Ugh. I sound pathetic. But for the first time since my mother died I actually cry and miss her. I miss my mother who would impart wisdom to me.

"And I love you Violet."

"and I love you too, Aunt Arma"


I am standing on my parking lot again. It is 8:57 AM and I cant find Sam anywhere. My entire mind keeps thinking about my aunts words "love is this magical force". She just had to say me those words just a few hours before meeting the person I thought was the love of my life.

I see Sam's car and jump in. We both do not really converse except for him asking about the weather.

I keep looking in the rear view mirror- checking for my make up. I quickly examine my outfit- I am wearing my best red blouse tucked inside black trousers, that have a little flair to them. My hair is in a little bun, and I have my brief case full of my best written work, and my purse - with nothing but my phone, a spare tampon and a lipstick i will never use.


Sam escorts me inside the magnificent building. It has a lot of glass- it looks similar to my office, only this building has green walls. Something I never thought I would witness in New York.

I get inside- and my eyes meet Susan's. She is wearing a beautiful grey dress- hugging her thighs in a way I never thought would be attractive. She has the darkest red lips and mouths "Ill talk to you later" to someone. She struts ahead to me

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