nineteen: drew

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"Drew!" I exhale and I take in the view of the man in front of me.

"You must be Ms. Burgundy." he says.

I break into laughter.

"Well, you and Blue ought to have a one-to-one conversation then, considering how bad your Internet must be to intercept Violet as Burgundy!"

"Well. It has been a year since I met Blue. Where is he?"

Blue went to fetch me some gas medications. That Salmon did not rest well with me. I decide not to inform Drew of Blue's honest absence.

"He went to get some stuff. Anyways you have a beautiful hotel!" I exclaim. The hotel is magnificent, really.

"Yes. It's a lot like the one my dad owns in Bali."

Nice to know.

We both stand and make small talk.

Drew is about my height and he has a very glistening skin color - leaning more so towards the dark.

His hair is a bit curly and he is hella muscular. Even more muscular than Blue.

Blue appears from behind me and I see Drew's eyes pop out.

"Holy fuck. To what do I owe to see Blue Becker - THIS hot?" Drew certainly has a way with words.

"Man. I missed you." Blue says. He has the biggest baby smile on his face as he hugs Drew tightly.

"Seems like you met Violet." Blue looks at me and then at Drew.

"Of course I have. Man you made it big time. Look at you! Finally getting ripped AND having a hot girlfriend who has the best humor I have ever seen a girl this hot to have. I mean come on- hot girls aren't usually funny." Drew chuckles and god am I flattered.

"You think she is hot?" Blue asks. His face turns possessive.

"Im just messing with you. Dont forget David Drew Dickinson was born gay. Besides, I have a boyfriend so cool down."

Okay. So Drew is not his first name AND he has a partner AND he is gay.

Blue sure as hell doesn't tell me shit.

"How is David by the way?" What ? Now I'm even more confused. Wasn't his name David?

Drew seems to acknowledge my confusion.

"David is my boyfriend. We were part of this friend circle - I met him through Blue. But since our circle didn't want 2 David's people called me Drew- and I liked it."

"I dont know. David and David sounds cute." I chuckle

"Well not on birthday cards. And anyways, David always held the name better."

I sigh and look towards Blue intending to ask him about our rooms because god am I tired.

"You seem tired." Drew states. I nod vigorously because I do. We 3 are still standing at the entrance waiting for - I dont know.

Drew calls for someone and after a while I'm escorted to my room.


The hotel really is beautiful and expensive. Our room is bigger than my apartment. Initially we both were booked for two different rooms but I guess Drew changed that after seeing us this close.

Drew is something.

Our room has a big balcony which looks over the beautiful Honolulu beach. The sound of waves can be intercepted very clearly.

I quietly place my bag. My suitcase was brought here 30mins ago. I open my bag and ignore my journal I decided to bring at the last moment.

Well lets be honest its the best place for me to cry over.

What if something happens again and I need a place where I can let my emotions flow?

Im smart that way.

Anyways I grab the book I was reading and decide to finish reading it.


Somethings weird.

Blue came inside our room 10 minutes ago and since he entered he has been nothing but tense.

He was out for about an hour.

It's 10AM now and we have the entire Saturday in front of us yet here we are.

"Everything alright Blue?"

Blue flinches.

"No...I. I saw Greg." he says. "With a the lobby ...they were hugging each other. I knew he was invited I just didn't expect him to show up- that too with someone else."


"well good for him then?"

I dont know what is with Greg and Blue. At first I thought they were close with the book and everything, but then after the Benno's incident I dont really know now. And I know Blue does not want to talk about it.

"Do you want to talk about it?"

"No." He answers plainly. My tense eyebrows relax.

"Babe...I just-"

"Is there anything I can do to uplift your mood?"

He shakes his head.


"Okay. So. Babe. I-" I try to change the topic

"Let's go shopping." he says instead.

What? Blue likes shopping? I know I dont but okay.

"Okay we could get something for tomorrow."


We are at the food court. Blue got himself a nice pair of beach slippers and I got a lovely dress for tomorrow.

Now, that was fun. Especially looking at Blue's permanent smirk on his face.

We are eating some McDonalds , which is not the very typical Hawaiian thing to do but me and Blue just need some time I guess.

"You know, my mother used to take me shopping whenever I was upset. She told me that when she was upset she would go shop and seeing me upset - upset her." Blue chuckles at the end.

I smile.

"My mom never took me shopping. Especially after my father died-"

I dont know why we are talking about our pasts. Blue already knows that I lost both my parents.

But I never knew much about Blue.

I knew that he lost his mother when he was 8.

That part of Greg's life was haunting.

Too bad the world wont know of it.

"Hm. Well we should go. It's 2. We need rest. By the way- we never really went on a proper date." Blue informs

My smile grows larger.

"Well we could today?!" I exclaim. Joy rushes in my voice. Blue smirks.

"So eager? Well if you insist We could go to this beautiful Sushi place nearby at 7?"

I nod my face and look down at the table. Man I grow so smitten so soon!

"Its a date."I whisper. To myself - not for Blue. But Blue listens.

"Yes Yes it is."

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