Seriously dude? 🤨

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Aera POV
Seated in the cafe I waited for Jake, getting nonstop concerned texts from my besties a smile enticed my lips, texting a quick 'I'll be fine' I flipped my phone face down.

"Hey" the puppy boy smiled as he seated himself "hi" his fingers intertwining he placed them on the table "so-" "we should order."

Cutting him off the boy merely nodded, calling over a waiter "can I get a milk boba, two scoops tapioca, extra ice thank you."

The waiter turned his head to Jake waiting "I'll just have some water" nodding the male left us "is that really good for the baby" oh lord.

"Jake, it's just a drink" his mouth forming an 'o' he nodded, noticing his uncomfortable state I piped up "you can still back out, I won't blame you."

Shaking his head rapidly the boy seemed very dedicated to this "it takes two people to make a baby Aera, this is as much my responsibility as it is yours."

Nodding I was somewhat grateful for his maturity, the drinks arriving I started the conversation "well let's get this started then."

Sitting up his ears perked up "firstly I don't want anyone to know, at least for a while, I know your friends with my brother and I don't need the father of my child six feet under."

Suddenly his eyes popped out "wait! Your Jungwons little sister?? Yang Aer- holy fuk I got Jungwons sister pregnant, shit shit I'm dead."

Taking a sip of my boba I waited for him to calm the fuk down "you done?" he looked up at me still a traumatized look on his face.

"No I am not! Your brother always talks about you! He's soo protective of you! He didn't even want us lot meeting you cuz he was worried, fuk!"

Running my hand through my hair I decided to calm this kid down "okay for one calm the f down" nodding he took a sip of his water.

"Now like I said no one needs to know for a month, the only people that do know are Niki, Sunghoon, Jay and Yujin right?"

Nodding silently the boy let me continue "good, now we need to talk about how we're gonna deal with this" pointing down to my stomach.

Taking in a deep breath the boy opened his mouth "I'm willing to do anything to support Aera."

Looking into his eyes I could sense he was being genuine, understanding this was a lot for him as well I smiled warmly "I appreciate it Jake."

A small smile foreshadowing his handsome face I carried on "I've been reading on teenage pregnancies and there is a counsellor I've found, I think she could be good guidance for us."

Running his veiny hand through his hair he bobbed his head "send me her number, you should relax and focus on the baby, I'll do this."

Dang he really has taken this seriously "we should also meet often, I heard it's good for the baby, your not the only one doing research."

Chuckling I was thankful to have his support, talking for a little while longer we soon wrapped it up, calling for the check I got my card out the pay when Jake had already done it.

"Why'd you do that? You only had water" smiling he stood up "not only is the baby my responsibility now" catching me off guard he pressed his lips to the top of my head before leaving.

Still seated gobsmacked my brain tried comprehending what the holy fuk just happened "he's such a flirt" fanning myself I stood up leaving the cafe.


Teen parents *Jake ff*Where stories live. Discover now