Mess in distress 🤦‍♀️

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Aera POV
"Niki for the last time diapers do NOT go on your head!!" the japanese boy lowering the baby pooper "I thought it was a baby hat thing!" oh god.

Face palming it took me a lot of strength to not let my very hormornal self scream at everyone "c'mon lil lady, lets get you seated."

Jays girlfriend helping me seat on the sofa, I was now on the 5 month preggo mark "thanks Yujinie~" squeezing my arm reasuringly.

"I'll help the boys with the baby stuff, you just direct us hm?" in our most recent session with Ms Lee she ran through all necessary baby stuff and since I like to be prepared here we are four months early and buying shit.

"Okay Sunghoon load the diapers into the red box, FOLD THEM before you put them in, Niki and Yujin unbox the baby cutlery stuff in the brown box and Jungwon you can go make me jam on toast" smiling toothily the elder complied with a groan.

Everyone working hard while I nibbled on my toast with Blackpink playing in the background "we're back!"

My smile growing as my boyfriend approached "hey babycakes, hows twinkle time going?" yea so anything we do related to the baby is called twinkle time.

Pecking my lips lovingly the latter seated beside me wrapped his arms round my waist "it's good, Niki is a lost cause but I'm making do."

Said male flipping me off "woah dude the baby" the giraffe ass scoffed with a very big 'gurl you serious' face "bish wait til that baby pops out, bro gonna know every swear before even saying fukin dada" prolly tru.

"You know crazy idea, don't leave your best friend with YOUR kids shit" Jay walking in with seven boxes in his arms that is very likely gonna drop.

"Yea yea I'm coming" giving my waist a gentle squeeze Jake went to help the grumpy cat "take everything to twinkles room."

Humming the two males hurried off to the empty room "noona I'm seriously going to cry~" Niki whining as he somehow had three diapers stuck on his arms.

Chuckling softly me and Sunghoon helped the lost child "I think it's best you go help Yujin will lunch" Sunghoon patting the youngers arm pittiful.

"Oh thank GOD!!" running off the boy seemed wayyyyyyy too excited about making soup "c'mon lets take these diapers to twinkles room."

Skipping behind Sunghoon and Jungwon as they did all the heavy lifting (no surprise ;) "bro you gotta screw it in!! You can't hammer a screw in!!"

Walking into my boyfie and his bestie bickering "wonie go help the idiots, your good with building shit" he built me my first barbie dream house 😊.

"Watch and learn bitches~" seating myself on the window sill munching on some crisps while the three males hovered over my brother.

"Wow crazy thing is you got instructions but why would you need to use those?" sarcasm dripping off the elder Yangs words before he was shut up from a whack on the head by none other than Jay.

The boys eventually building the rocking chair sweat dripping off all of em "done!!" proud smiles placed across all of their faces "finally, I'm starving."

Waddling down to the dining room I was met with Yujin and Niki (mainly Yujin) organising the table "noona look" two chopsticks shoved up the youngests nose.

"Dude" Jays furrowed his brows in disgust before grabbing the chopsticks and throwing em "awh hyung~" sulking the Nishimura was soon forced to seat.

About to start eating we were interupted by a DING DONG "Heeseung!!" dashing to the front door I swung it open immediately jumping into the confused males arms "hee!!"

Chuckling softly we soon parted "I bought your fav~" my eyes sparkling as the plastic bag was handed to me "dumplings!!"

Rushing to seat in my chair I delved into the food "hey hyung" everyone else greeting the eldest while I merely stuck to my beloved.

"Slow down love" patting my head affectionately Jake seated beside me "look Jakey! Heeseungie bought dumplings!!"

Shoving one in his mouth the male chuckled "thanks hyung" the latter spoke to the poor male stuck between a yapping Nishimura and exhausted Jungwon.

The room filled with laughter and smiles as we all shared a peacful lunch, this felt nice, all the people I love in one room, I can't wait for twinkle to meet everyone.


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