Fuk offffff 🙄

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Aera POV
Fluttering my lashes open at the weird feeling on my cheek "morning pretty girl" nonstop pecks pressed across my faces eliciting giggles from me.

"Jakey~" nuzzling his face into my neck shifting his weight on me "my gorgeous baby mama" well that's new, raising a brow amused I cupped his cheeks.

"That's different?" squishing his cheeks naughtily mushing them together "wvell if youb release mwy cweeks?" groaning I let go of his delicious cheeks.

"Explain so I can grabby your cheeks again" rolling his eyes with an amused smile "okay creep" whattttt it's not my fault he's too adorable.

Running his hand through my fluffy locks he held my head "well since your twinkles mama and I'm the babies father, BANG baby mama."

Sending my boyfriend a judgy look "uhhhhh kayzzzz" grabbing his cheeks again I smushed em around "oh so we're back here, yay" his tone dry as fuk disapointment shadowed his face.

"They're just soo cute!!" pinching them up the male deadpanned.......

✨BREAD CHEEKS✨ "uh Aera I love you and all but I can't feel my cheeks anymore" ugh "wuss" releasing the latter his hands immediately caressed his now pinkish cheeks

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✨BREAD CHEEKS✨ "uh Aera I love you and all but I can't feel my cheeks anymore" ugh "wuss" releasing the latter his hands immediately caressed his now pinkish cheeks.

Collapsing beside me I was soon pulled into his arms "saurrrr is there anything you wanna do today babe?" his strong arms holding my smoll figure.

Shaking my head softly "I just wanna be with you" a genuine smile spreading across his handsome ass face "perfect cuz that's exactly what I had planned, damn we're just soo in sync" sur sur.

"C'mere love" snuggling up to his chest his protective arms draped around me, I felt safe, secure, at home "I was just about to make eg-" DING DONG.

Looking up expectantly my boyfie merely furrowed his brows "did Jungwon say he was coming over?" shaking my head gently.

Whipping out his phone he pulled out the security app only for his face to drop "fuk!" jumping up his gaze shifted to me with complete distress overshadowing his naturally joyful expressions "your parents are here" fuk.

Leaping out of bed my body began trembling in fear "they can't take me away, not now, not after everything" engulfing me in his arms the male soothed me.

"They're not taking you anywhere love, I'm not letting them, your mine, you understand?" fuk that was hot "understand?" nodding still completely dazed "y-yes."

"Good, now I made a secret room, just in case this exact thing happened" holy fuk he's prepared, intertwining our hands he bought us to the mirror.

Sliding it aside I was amazed as a door was opened revealing a hidden room......

"Holy shi-" "get in! You can be surprised inside" gosh, stepping inside I turned to meet his warm smile "relax, this will be quick" pecking my cheek he then shut the room

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"Holy shi-" "get in! You can be surprised inside" gosh, stepping inside I turned to meet his warm smile "relax, this will be quick" pecking my cheek he then shut the room. God please make this work out.

Jake POV
As soon as I left Aera there was another bang on my door, exhaling heftily I rubbed my eyes aggresively and placed a few drops of water on my eyes before opening the door to be met with a furious Mr Yang "what?"

Gritting his teeth the grumpy fuk pushed passed me "search everywhere! She is here somewhere!!" a rush of his men invaded my apartment....lovely.

"Woah! Don't you need a warrant to be here?? You can't just burst in!" shrugging my girlfriends father seated himself on my sofa making himself home, dickhead.

"Hey Jake dear, I made you some banana bread, Aera loves it" whispering the last part, guess a mother knows 🤷‍♀️

Smiling softly at the elder I took the container "thank you auntie" then turning to the old fuker.

"Mr Yang I don't know why your here but you already took Aera from me, what else do you what??" Someone give me an acting gig I WOULD ROCK.

"Cut the bullshit kid, I know she's here" his stern gaze piercing through me "it was my fault for trusting that softie to be alone with my daughter, but I won't mess up again, this marriage will happen."

Oh lord, rolling my eyes I decided to join the stubborn dude on the sofa "do as you please" pulling out my phone I busied myself with tiktok.

Around twenty minutes later the guard geezas surrounded the living room as Mr Yang screamed at them "how can she not be here?? There is nowhere else she could be!!"

Standing myself up I checked my watch mockingly "I think it's time you leave, you've overstayed your unwanted stay."

Flashing a smug look too the rageful male as his teeth clenched "c'mon yeobo" his wife tugging at his sleeve "fine!"

Storming out my apartment was soon left just me "finally!" huffing out a stressed breath I hurried to the secret room.

Mrs Yang POV
Exiting Jakes apartment we got into the limo "calm down yeobo" squeezing his arm attempting to relax him.

Peeking out the window I looked up to the apartment we just left only to spot the image of my daughter and her boyfriend hugging.

A proud smile crossing my lips "we'll find her, c'mon" humming my husband allowed Mr Jang to drive.


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