Flutter 💘

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Aera POV
Snuggled up to Layla the puppies head was rested on my belly while Jake did the dishes, sneaking glances at Jake I couldn't stop the slight blush tinting my cheeks.

His muscles flexing against his shirt as he washed the dishes GOD GREEN FUKIN FLAG RIGHT HERE GUYYSSSSSS.

Drying his hands with a cloth I stared at the veiny limbs fawning over how sexy they looked, I still remember that night when his large hands wrapped around my nec- "tired?"

Whipping my head up "hm?" chuckling softly he approuched us "you look exhausted" shrugging I stroked the pet on my lap.

"WAIT!!" furrowing my brows the boy had a panic expression across his handsome face "Layla get off!!"

The dog getting pushed off the sofa I was actually soo confused "no Layla, she's pregnant, you can't rest on her belly, no belly!" oh my days.

Scolding the poor puppy I slapped Jakes arm "stop bullying her, it's fine, she's not gonna kill twinkle by resting her head on my belly."

Jake rolling his eyes "fine, but be more careful" brushing him off I gave my attention to the adorable doggy.

Checking the time a while after it was already 10pm "I should get home" attempting to get up Jake pushed me back down "nope."

Popping the 'p' I tilted my head "the fuk you mean 'nope?!" relaxing himself he answered calmly.

"It's too late, just tell Jungwon your staying at one of your friends" whyyyyyy thooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo.

"Jake just drop me home-" "I ain't letting you go at this time, it's dangerous even if I drop you, just stay over."

Sighing heavily I gave in sending a quick message to my brother "okay let's get you to bed now" turning off the tv I watched the boy in total disgust.

"It's not even 11pm yet!!" shrugging he stood up "you can't push your body, it'll effect the baby" god he's soo paranoid.

Rolling my eyes I gave in jumpin off the sofa "where am I gonna sleep?" following behind the male he opened the door "my room."

Looking around in awe it was totally suiting his style "well good night" about to shut the door I stopped the boy "where you going?"

His head facing me "living room, imma sleep on the sofa" awh he's being a gentlman "bro sit yo ass down, you put a whole damn baby in me."

Chuckling softly the puppy like boy got into the bed, relaxing myself I snuggled up to the duvet "night pancake."

Suddenly he leaned over me staring down into my eyes, the air knocked out my lungs my gaze locked to his handsome grin.

"Night baby cakes" goosbumps on my arm from his deep voice sending chills down my spine I gulped when everything went dark. He was just turning the lamp off.

Covering my red face under the blanket even tho he couldn't see I internally squealed, fuks sake what is wrong with me?


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