Scared 😣

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Aera POV
Eventually Jake forced me to part from the miserable weather, taking me to his apartment "god your gonna be soo ill, fuk."

Giggling at his grumpy face the boy turned to me "I'm being serious Aera" the series of giggles not coming to halt "I know~"

His hands placing on his waist "Aera" his tone screaming authority yet all I could do was laugh "you look like my grandmother~"

A soft scoff passing his lips "okay missy, lets get you in the bath" clapping my hands like a child as Jake picked me up in bridal style "jesus I can't believe your holding my child" honestly neither can I.

Sat on the toilet seat as I watched my boyfie set a warm bath "lavender or jasmine?" holding two bath bombs he awaited my answer.

"As much as I want to get into why the fuk you have bath bombs I don't wanna get scolded saurrrr jasmine, lavender sucks."

Rolling his eyes with an amused smile he placed the bath bomb in the water, pouring in some bubbles he then turned to me "c'mon babycakes."

Helping me undress I got into the tub "can I have the ducky~" flashing my puppy eyes my boyfriend merely chuckled picking up said object.

"I only really use it for when Layla has baths but sure" giving me the ducky a huge smile spread across my face "what if I drown it?"

Horror covering the boys face as he snatched the duck "no! You leave ducky alone! Dark dark woman" dramatic ass.

Scowling I merely stuck my tongue out "I was just asking!" shaking his head like an old man he continued to scrub me down.

"The bumps growing" placing his hand on my belly with a content smile "yea, twinkles getting bigger" I was now 3 months pregnant.

"When are you going to tell your parents? They might notice soon" shrugging unfazed "they prolly won't, barely at home."

Jakes eyes softening moved his hand to hold mine "Aera~" "ugh fine I'll tell them, don't gotta bully me into it" okay yes all he said was my name BUT STILL.

Face cracking into a smile "love you know I'm here if you wanna vent" god why is he such an angel "I don't need to vent it's just....."

Taking in a long breath I continued "eomma would accept twinkle but appa, I'm his little baby girl, before he got soo busy with the buisness we were attached to the hip."

A fond smile planted my lips at the memories "we've just grown distant, I-I'm scared" looking up to my boyfriend to find him listening intently.

Both his hands placing over mine as he bought them to his lips, a gentle kiss pressed to the tips of my fingers "I get it, we can tell them whenever your ready love."

A warm smile touching my plush lips "thank you Jakey but I think.....I think we should tell them" tilting his head as he silently listened.

"Your right, they'll find out one way or the other, it's best it comes from us" his lips raising he leaned over to peck my forehead.

"If thats what you want love, don't stress it, your their daughter, they love you, from what you've been telling me I think your father will be more than happy for us" maybe.

Humming I then tugged at his sleeve "now when are you gonna get your ass in here, your wearing a bit too many clothes for my liking."

Chuckling deeply the male stood straight "okay miss pervy, budge up" giggling as he stripped before placing me on his lap. Fuk I really love him.


Teen parents *Jake ff*Where stories live. Discover now