This is it? 😔

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Aera POV
"Aera sweetie, Heeseungs here" my eyes shooting open as I immediately flinched away from the older male "princes-" "get out!!"

Reaching out to hold my hand "Aer-" "out!" my face showing no emotion as my gaze pierced into my fathers face "o-okay, I'll call for your mother."

Leaving me be I shoved my face into my pillow "my Jakey~" picking up my phone I opened me and my, well, is he still my boyfriend even? God this is all soo fuked up.....

My pancake>3=

My pancake: morning love, I miss you

My pancake: I'm going to work this out for us

My pancake: I won't let you go

My pancake: we'll get through this

+99 more messages

A small smile planting on my face but before I could even reply there was a soft knock at the door, my mother peeking through "morning honey."

Stepping inside she carefully shut the door "how you doing?" seating at the foot of my bed, shrugging unenergetically "well I feel like shit and look like hell.....amazing"

The eye bags deeper than they ever been, my eyes still swollen from all the crying and my lips scattered specks of dry blood from all the anxious biting of my lips.

"Awh honey, c'mere" falling into her arms the older woman caressed my hair motherly "I'm soo sorry sweetheart, your father h-he, he wants whats best for you."

Pulling away I shook my head "this isn't right eomma, I'm a fully grown woman, he can't force these decisions on me, he's hurting me."

Sympathy reflecting across her face "I know hone-" "you don't! I am happy with Jake and he's taking that away!"

Sighing heavily I just ran my hand down my face "please go, I just need to be alone" reluctantly bobbing her head "I understand, you should get ready tho, Heeseungs waiting to leave."

I can't believe this is happening, I'm being forced to marry my brothers childhood best friend, he was like a second brother, I just can't handle the thought of this, marrying someone other than Jake, I-I hate this.

"Aera~" opening my door stepped through my older brother "hey" his soft tone infiltrating my ears "Heeseung hyungs downstairs."

His arm wrapping around as he seated beside me "if you want I'll give him a beating? You know I'll do it" chuckling softly I shook my head gently.

"No no it's not hee's fault, this is prolly being forced on him by his father as well" humming softly Jungwon squeezed my arm sweetly.

"I hate this A, your my baby sister and I can't protect you? I hate that appa still has soo much control over us, we're adults" exactly.

Leaning into his brotherly warmth "we'll figure it out though, I know how much you and Jake love each other, I promise."

A warm smile landing on my face "the storm before the breeze right" chuckling lightly he pressed a kiss to the top of my head "I'll get changed and come down for hell" not having the energy to shower I lazily got ready.......

A warm smile landing on my face "the storm before the breeze right" chuckling lightly he pressed a kiss to the top of my head "I'll get changed and come down for hell" not having the energy to shower I lazily got ready

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Yes I look like a slob, do I care? Nope! Dragging myself down the stairs I hesitantly entered the living room "ah here she is, come in princess."

Not sparing a glance to my father "hey Aera" the huge smile on Heeseung face confusing me "uh hi?" meekly stepping further into the room.

Clapping his hands together my father stood "well I'll leave you two" god I just wanna slap the grin off his face.

"So...." god I don't think I've ever been awkward with Heeseung "so" repeating my words he drew near to me.

His hands placing on my waist "woah" flinching I backed away "hee we're not like that, your my brothers best friend."

A doughy smile reaching his mouth "well that can change, I mean your my fiance now, and well" oh shit I do NAWT like where this is going.

Picking up my hands as my whole body tensed "I like you, I have for a while" oh no no no please god no "hee-" "please, let me finish."

Huffing my soft spot for him gave in allowing him to continue "I know this is hard, b-but if this going to happen I-I think we should at least try right?"

Squeezing my hands he soon bought them to his lips kissing then delicately "I know this isn't my child but, I'm ready to raise twinkle with you" awh thats soo sweet but.....I feel nothing.

Opening my mouth the words got caught in my throat as his ecstatic smile didn't falter for a moment "I uh well.......s-sure."

Eyes sparkling the scarlet headed male engulfed me in his built arms "fuk this is going to be perfect, I'll treat you like a queen, my queen" oh fuk me, my stupid stupid brain.

Hands placed on my biceps as his doe eyes gazed into mine "can I?" someone stop me someone stop m- "mhm" ugh just kill me.

Cupping my cheeks his lips met mine, slowly kissing me I attempted to recooperate the kiss, it felt wrong, soo soo wrong.

Finally peeling away his lips raised highhhhh "c'mon let's get going babe" it just feels soo soo wrong, entering the car my gaze shifted to the window. This is my life now, a loveless marriage.


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