Epilogue 🫂

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A few years later

Aera POV
"Jakey wakey wakey~" softly shaking my boo awake "hm?" squinting his eyes open the male looked up at me with a small smile "mornin love."

Giggling I leered down attaching my lips with his "it's the kids first day at school, you should get Seojun ready, I'll get the girls, your parents are gonna be over soon to look after Jiho."

After getting a nod from him I was about to leave when my body was pulled back "nu uh, we have an hour before we have to leave, ten minutes wouldn't kill anyone."

Wrapping his large arms round my figure forcing me into his chest "Jake!" cuddling his face into my hair "mhm."

Running my hand through his fluffy locks "you smell like heaven babycakes" taking in a long inhale he pressed loving kisses up my neck to my jaw.

"Okay Jake thats enough, I don't want the kids to be late on their first day, you know how stressed Sooha gets" groaning mah hubby released me "fine, I'll get Seojunnie ready and make breakfast."

Leaving him with a soft peck I entered the girls room, walking over to my eldest daughter "Jiyoo~ sweetheart it's time to wake up."

Gently shaking her awake "mhm but I'm tired~" chuckling softly I pushed her hair back pressing my lips to her forehead "c'mon sweetie, I thought you wanted me to do your hair~"

Shooting up she nodded enthusiastically "kay so go get ready" giggling she ran off excited, wandering over to my youngest "Sooha love~ wake up~ it's school time~"

Rubbing her eyes she glanced up at me "what time is it?" stroking her hair affectionately "7:15" jumping up she stared at me "7:15?!? Why did you wake me up soo late?? Eomma~"

Whining she drooped her head "honey we have plenty of time for you to go through with your schedule, now go" slappin her bum she toddled off.

Making my way to the boys room I walked over to the cott "aigoo" stroking his cheek I left my toddler "hey eomma do you have my uniform??"

Smiling down at Seojun I pulled the clothes out his closet "here ya go, don't be too loud Jihos still asleep" ruffling his hair I made my way downstairs.

"Oh Aera darling I was just telling Jake off for not feeding you enough, here I've put some sushi and jjapagetti in the fridge, eat.it."

Chuckling at Jakes mother I hugged his parents "mornin Aera dear, me and Jake made your fav" squealing as Jakes father placed a plate of gold in front of me, my eyes latched onto the sugary deliciousness "pancakes!!"

The table soon filling with our family "c'mon kiddos, we gotta go~" wolfing down the meal Sooha was the first out her seat "I'm goin to wait in the car!!"

Soon enough I'd forced all the kids in the car.......

"Okay I'm gonna say bye to Jiho and then we'll leave kay?" all three of the lil munchkins nodding I jogged up to the door

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"Okay I'm gonna say bye to Jiho and then we'll leave kay?" all three of the lil munchkins nodding I jogged up to the door.

"Eomma will be back soon, be good from helmeoni n harabeoji~" pecking the lost toddler in my mother in laws arms I bid my farewell.

Finally arriving at the school after a drive of Jake forcing his Justin beiber obsession on my poor kids "we're here~"

Popping out the car Sooha and Seojun held my hands while Jiyoo insisted on being held by her appa, entering the school it was time for the hardest part. Letting them go.

Kneeling down I pecked each of their heads "have fun okay? Try your best to make friends and stick together hm?" the triplets bobbing their head we sent them in after a long as hug of course.

"Love you eomma n appa!!" Seojun and Jiyoo rushing inside full of energy and excitment there seemed to be something hiding behind my leg "Sooha~"

Bending down I picked her up "whats wrong baby?" Jake stroking her hair affectionately "I'm scared~" hiding her face in my shoulder me and Jake shared an adoring smile.

"C'mon sweetie, how bout we walk you inside?" nodding rapidly at her father the three of us approached the enterance.

Jake helping her take her bag off my youngest kept close to me "good morning I'm Ms Kang" my childrens teacher sending us a warm welcome.

"Hiya, this is Sooha, she's a bit anxious for today" gazing down at the tiny being hiding in my arms, her minescule hands clutching onto my coat.

"Awh well thats completely normal, how bout I introduce you to a new friend?" reluctantly peeling herself away from me my daughter held her teachers hand.

Spinning her head round me and Jake sent the nervous child of ours a thumbs up, watching as she shook hands with a little boy her age a smile embraced my lips as the two fell into discussion.

Giggles erupting from my daughter I rested my head on Jakes shoulder a content smile on my face "should we go?"

Giving my waist a soft squeeze the latter questioned, nodding slowly we exited the school grounds, rentering the car a long sigh escaped me "our babies are all grown up."

Small chuckles rippling past Jakes throat he intertwined our hands "they're still babies love, this is just one step in many to come right?"

Looking up at him a loving smile planted itself "right" rubbing his thumb over the back of my hand mah hubby started the car "now I think it's time for a date don't ya think?"

Giggling I nodded excitedly "I'm all yours today Sim" pressing a kiss to my hand we drove off. Perfect. My life was mother fukin perfect.



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