Saurrrr....YOU FUKED MY SISTER?!?? 😬

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Aera POV
Sat opposite my brother I played with my sleeves nervously "would you two mind telling my why the fuk your hanging out with each other??"

Jake next to me cleared his throat "I think it's best Aera explains" glancing at me he sent a comforting smile.

Sitting up I bobbed my head "Jungwon you have to promise not to overreact okay?" squinting his eyes he looked between us sceptical.

"I can't promise anything Aera" rolling my eyes "Jungwon I'm serious" huffing the boy read the anxiety off my face "fine."

Gulping the build up of saliva in my mouth my lips parted "I met Jake a while ago at a party-" "you went to a party?!-" "Jungwon!"

Silencing himself the boy listened "well we were both really drunk and well we had a one night stand-" "what-" "for fuks sakes Jungwon let the girl finish."

Grumbling as Jake shut him the fuk up I again continued "we thought it was just a one night mistake but well I uh, I started to get morning sickness so Niki and Sunghoon bought me a test and it turns out I'm......I'm pregnant."

Looking up at my brother feebly his whole face had dropped, his mouth opening and closing he struggled to get his words out.

Pure shock displayed on his face he eventually composed himself turning to Jake with a look you'd piss yourself if you saw "you.......YOU GOT MY BABY SISTER PREGNANT?!?!?!?"

Shooting off the couch Jungwon leaped for twinkles father "it was a mistake won-" "your my best friend!! HOW COULD YOU!??!?!??"

The two running around the room ranting at one another I just lay back patting my tummy "your daddy and uncle are two idiots, you'll get used to it."

The inevitable happened as the two ran out of energy "I-I'm going to" Jungwon taking a long exhausted breath "kill y-you!"

Rolling my eyes sassily I decided to pipe up "both of you sit the fuk down so we can have an actual conversation, geez."

Both too tired to argue obeyed collapsing on the sofa "now Jungwon your not allowed to be a dick about it, I'm an adult and I'm allowed to make mistakes but I don't see this as one, not anymore."

My gaze shifting to Jake a warm smiled laced my lips "our baby, they're a gift, it's fate won" Jake reaching over placed his hand on mine, he didn't have to say anything, his smile spoke for itself.

The third party opening his mouth "I guess I can't be mad, you are an adult it's just" looking up at me a small smile planted on his lips.

"Your my baby sister A, it doesn't matter how old you are you'll always be my baby sister" a fuzzy feeling envloping my heart.

Tears poking at my eyes I fought them back aggresively "but I support the two of you and will be here to help, anything needed to help."

Shit. A tear sliding down my cheek I gave in letting the water works take over "jesus the pregnancy hormones are getting to me."

My brother walking towards me enveloped me in a hug, easing into the brotherly warmth I sniffled gently "thank you won."

Ruffling my hair he smiled down at me "we'll make it work out Aera, I wanna help raise the tiny you" placing his hand over my stomach.

Feeling overwhelmed with how supportive my brother was being I once again burst into tears "need another hug?"

Nodding aggresively Jungwon wrapped his arms around me "now you, let's talk about how to keep your dick inside your pants."

Jake literally looked like he saw a ghost, Jungwon is like a tiny lil kitten but when he's mad you want to shit your pants.

"Yah, leave him alone, he's twinkles father" pulling away I pat the puppy boys shoulder "plus he's a really good cook and well I'm a preggo teen saurrrrr."

Deadpanning the boy stared at me "am I just free service for you?" cheekily nodding my head "yap" chuckling the boy pat my head before freezing terrified.

Jungwon stood before Jake took hold of his shoulder "I'm glad your taking responsibility as the father, not many do that."

Jake nodding like a robot while his body trembled in fear "but if you hurt my baby sister I will make sure your never able to put a baby in someone else" and he means it.

Settling down Jungwon decided to make dinner for us so we could catch him up on the pregnancy stuff "your brother terrifies me."

Shrugging I robbed a sushi while my brother wasn't looking "he's YOUR best friend" Jake groaned "yea I may be regretting that."

Chuckling I turned to him "I'm happy he knows, I think he'll help a lot" Jake humming suddenly put his hands on my waist gently squeezing.

"You don't have to worry about help, I'm here" leaning down to my ear "even for the horny stage" a shiver running down my spine Jake stepped away going to help my brother.

Stood in the dining room frozen my cheeks completely flushed, this isn't right! Fuk! Why does he effect me soo much?!?!?



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